Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [art] national " in BNC.

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1 However , as your elected officers we do feel responsible for ensuring that as a national organisation ; we continue to survive and grow which means above all that we have a continual influx of new members .
2 During the election , for the first time , he enunciated this as a national vision : in memorable , simple , evocative terms ; as graspable in its clarity as Mrs Thatcher 's , but sufficiently orientated towards ‘ safety nets ’ , ‘ decency ’ , the ‘ citizen 's charter ’ and ‘ effective delivery ’ themes to distance itself from the harsher extremes of Thatcherite social gospel .
3 The extent of the crisis in the Soviet economy was illustrated in November and December by the introduction of food rationing in many parts of the country , including Leningrad , its second largest city , and by an international airlift of emergency food aid which was looked upon by some as a national humiliation .
4 Mrs Henry Sidgwick conducted one such survey of women students at Oxford and Cambridge , published in 1890 , and Dr Agnes Saville and Dr Major Greenwood another for the National Birth Rate Commission ( a lay body composed chiefly of clergy , peers and doctors ) in 1914 .
5 As production increased farmers had a growing surplus over their household requirements and sold an increasing proportion of their crop , reaching 60 per cent in 1985 and in 1988 , and accounting for half of the national marketed production .
6 Professor Charles Wilson views the effects of the Bubble as " salutary " , but considers that the taking over of so much of the South Sea Company 's excess stock by the Bank of England and East India Company perpetuated into the 1730s the situation in which more than half of the national debt was held by the great corporations .
7 I hope that at least some of the national representatives on the Commission ( two each from Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland , and six from England ) will also be directly elected , but that 's the decision of the national associations . ’
8 To an extent , Mr Adair 's fears were reflected by some of the national press after the Report 's publication .
9 Some of the national Sunday papers include magazine sections , which are edited quite separately from the newspapers themselves .
10 And finally there have been some items in some of the national newspapers recently concerning university science parks .
11 That 's generally the message from some of the national surveys .
12 The rest of the book surveys the different scientific disciplines and highlights specific projects , mostly work done in the united States at one or another of the national computer centres sponsored by the National Science Foundation .
13 They linked this with a national rent rebate scheme , rationalizing the variety of local schemes that had been set up over the previous decade , to offset the costs to the poorer tenants .
14 Half the Bundestag is elected in single-member districts ; half via a national pool ( voters cast a separate vote for it ) which — subject to a 5% threshold — determines the overall make-up .
15 There are details are of the way to do this in the National Certificate ‘ Guide to Procedures ’ and advice can be sought from my staff or from Field Officers . ’
16 Previously , half the 120 seats were filled by a first-past-the-post system by department and half by a national party list system .
17 In each of the National Curriculum foundation subjects , there are primary school teachers with more than ordinary knowledge : out of 160,000 teachers , some 20,000 have qualifications in science , 16,000 in maths , 40,000 in English .
18 The organization of conferences , seminars and other such meetings can be most time-consuming and labour-intensive , and probably for this reason the clearinghouses are not quite as active in this area as one might expect , although each of the national clearinghouses regularly organize or sponsor at least one .
19 While the smallest Penises in each of the national groups were :
20 That includes two seasons as Scottish Schools ' stand-off out of Galashiels Academy ( he was captain in all four games last season ) , each of the national youth grades in Scotland , U21 and Scottish Students , Scotland ‘ B ’ appearances against Ireland ‘ B ’ and France ‘ B ’ , a Scottish trial in January and now selection for Scotland 's tour to Australia in May and June .
21 Training squads and programmes are now part and parcel of the structures within each of the national associations .
22 This was so important that for each of the national developments a full time National Development Officer ( NDO ) was seconded for a year from a college .
23 The fact that Gloucester 's role in the region was that of a national rather than local figure is also reflected in the fragmentary nature of his following .
24 The fact that Gloucester 's role in the region was that of a national rather than local figure is also reflected in the fragmentary nature of his following .
25 In a recent article , C. Fleay and M.L. Sanders have supported Orwell 's general stance attacking the Labour Party policy on the Spanish Civil War as being as ‘ torpid and as ambivalent ’ as that of the National Government .
26 Thus the growth of secondary education was a development parallel to that of the National Health Service .
27 To what extent they provided substitutable labour for older , skilled workers is another , unresearched , question ; but , in general , interest in older workers as a source of labour and in the effects of their work and retirement status on their own health and that of the national economy waned .
28 That of the National Gallery was acquired as a portrait of Federigo da Montefeltro ( acc. no. 3831 ) and hangs in the Reserve Collection .
29 In a letter to Peter Brooke , Secretary of State at the Department of National Heritage , the Council for the protection of Rural England and the Council for British Archaeology have joined their voices to that of the National Trust in calling for a public review of the new strategy .
30 In fact , the structure of Vanguards propaganda is similar to that of the National Front in the 1970s , when the antisemitism was muted in the party 's magazines , but more directly expressed in recommended books .
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