Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] as [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 We continue by laying course upon course of reed using our legget ( bat-shaped tool ) to dress each course as we go .
2 Furthermore , it was plain that the provision contemplated deduction from each instalment as it was paid .
3 Two fingers I had waved at that driver as he thundered past me , cursing me through the open cab window and fighting the wheel , and those two fingers I now regretted having on my hand .
4 in keeping with , it allows that opportunity as you know
5 A long quarter swell built up and for four days and nights the carrack raced along , slipping backwards down each wave as it overtook her , wallowing heavily as the next one came up astern , and making a dazzling white wake that trailed astern like a huge , ragged scar across the aquamarine ocean .
6 But Randolph did n't mind one little bit as it was the best day of his life .
7 Things were a bit easier at Binbrook in that direction as we could sleep between midnight and 6am , but I must admit that most nights I had considerably less sleep than that .
8 This presupposes a homogeneity of units which can not always be supported in fact , but the individual investigator must take decisions on this problem in each case as it arises .
9 I 'm over the top on that budget as it is . ’
10 It would be arrogant to suggest that the West no longer tells the story , but I think that it is not untrue to say that the Devil is not as central to that story as he was .
11 there and perhaps coming on to the Residents ' Association point that made in their proof , that our forecasts actually show that on balance , er er there would be an increase in flow in fact on the on that route as it approaches the A sixty one .
12 Chambers accepted with as little formality as he had shown on coming in .
13 He was offered little support as he walked the edge between the endowment , its critics , the art world and Congress , where even supporters of the arts were reluctant to go on record as voting ‘ for tax-funded pornography ’ .
14 What can be deduced from this is that religion as he understands it involves belief in an ordered moral government of the whole universe and in the fact that religious and ethical ideals should inform all our actions .
15 Well what 's that staying as it is for ?
16 A.A. Milne refers to the clump at Gills Lap as being enchanted because no one had been able to count the number of trees , even by tying string round each trunk as it was counted .
17 The whole point of the undergirding cables was to provide some shear bracing and so unless the operation was done with a knowledge and accuracy which were rather unlikely in the circumstances , so as to get the cables roughly at forty-five degrees , the expedient probably had usually as little effect as it seems to have had upon Paul 's ship .
18 Sams showed little emotion as she was led away by court ushers .
19 Sams showed little emotion as she was led away by court ushers .
20 Women are most affected by this change as they are much more likely than men to receive money from a part-time job while unemployed ( Erens and Hedges , 1990 ) .
21 Such policies offer the rich some protection as they weaken the resolve of potential revolutionaries .
22 Use of trade exhibitions is on the increase and firms increasingly need to establish a more scientific method of managing this function as it requires an understanding of how an exhibition stand communicates itself to the public .
23 The mass of promenaders bulged along in the committee 's wake , creating some difficulty as they turned into the narrow High Street and into Albion Street .
24 A clay cutter who earned 10s ( 50p ) a week , to which was added a further 5s 6d ( 27½p ) from his two teenage sons , still needed some supplementation as he had three young daughters to support .
25 ‘ Please leave this field as you would wish to find it , ’ it said .
26 My next task is to find some printing As you can see printing ink is delivered both in tins and if we have any left there may be somewhere , in tubes .
27 Animal welfare is an irrelevancy in this case as we are talking about public health . ’
28 Perhaps he was not as far short of solving this case as he had supposed .
29 And all single or childless women between twenty and thirty were liable to be directed to essential war work of some kind as we can see here erm com coming to the factories erm there 's a woman there driving a tank another one on er a gu a gun sight .
30 There 's this clatter as she drops the syringe .
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