Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] they say " in BNC.

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1 But er , this morning they said it 's a broken wrist .
2 This year they said she was too ‘ far gone ’ and she 'd have to go into hospital if I wanted a holiday ; getting a definite date for that was impossible so I could n't book anything .
3 In this country they say that if you do n't like the weather all you have to do is wait five minutes and it will get better .
4 A lot of people were quite happy about it , they reckoned we thought too much of ourselves , all that education they said , and look what comes of it .
5 And each time you come to the exercise each time they says they say Here you are solve read through it with a bit of paper over it .
6 I have been there three times , but each time they say I must go back to the Home Office and try to get my daughter a visa for longer than a six months ' stay in Britain ; otherwise she can not be admitted to school .
7 At that time they say the Apaches were forever raiding the little pueblos and carrying off whatever they needed , clothes , weapons , some women and sometimes boys young enough to be brought up Apache-style .
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