Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] is go " in BNC.

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1 Will my right hon. Friend look with his Cabinet colleagues at the fact that Kent is receiving considerable capital-infrastructure funds but virtually all of that money is going on projects linked to the channel tunnel , to the great detriment of Kent 's other needs ?
2 I do feel that this is necessary because we are allocating or just allocating our proposed budget er a substantial amount of extra resources through the rights of way which I am thoroughly in favour of but I do think we need to know how that money is going to be used and which of the items which are to appear in the report are going to be covered by that money and which is still going to need to be addressed next year when we have to book in time for it for next year .
3 Er , Chairman erm , I do believe that this has always been an issue erm of vested interests and bureaucracy administration but all I want to say to members of the council today as a member of the youth and community advisory committee is that extremely serious er far reaching decisions are gon na have to be taken because we were told at the last meeting of that sub committee that just to stand still because of the changes in legislation regarding transfer of funds to the er F E funding council , we will lose a further two million pounds next year so even if we er do not have to find any cuts within our own budget that money is going out of this authority 's budget it may come back in in commissioning agreements but because of the different timescale that the funding council works on we probably wo n't know that when we come to set our budget and really the issue for the Labour group I think in particular as councillor has said , is the question of budgetary control .
4 Okay is that do we know if that funding is going to continue ? .
5 Well I think much as I welcome the university proceeding down the road that it is , erm I have a very , very strong feeling that change is going to come from the bottom up , and I think that it 'll come from the bottom up in those colleges , like New College , who have got an increasingly large number of women fellows who feel that , you know , there 's safety in numbers and we can start to do something about it .
6 You ca n't get it back , no matter what else happens in your life that that part is gone , so a part of your life dies along with his .
7 A spokesman for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds said : ‘ The hooded crow is a bit of a camp follower of man , and is attracted to anywhere that agriculture is going on .
8 So it 's going to , the length of that side is going to be the
9 It means being a good member of the community in Europe , so I do n't think that horse is going to run .
10 ‘ I 'm afraid this storm is going to cause an awful amount of damage to the plantation below . ’
11 And I said can you tell me if erm this cheque is gone through to er Peter .
12 Success in this field is going to become even more important as we move into the 1990s and beyond and I hope that in this book I 've been able to give you the benefit of my experience , to pass on the kind of backstage know-how that can make that vital difference between winning and losing .
13 ‘ I 'm sure we should reverse things and do it the other way around as the Americans do but it certainly means we can hit our irons well and , believe me , this course is going to demand exceptional iron play .
14 Er this course is going well .
15 Last night former Grangetown councillor John Walsh , a leading antipollution campaigner , said : ‘ I 'm very pleased this study is to go ahead .
16 of CCA comments , ‘ I do not think that this experiment is going to substitute and take the place of several experiments going on in the Third World .
17 Anger is common reaction , and one way to help overcome this distress is to go and discuss what happened with your vet .
18 But even if this tape is going to record the last speech of somebody famous and it did n't get and therefore they could n't record it , that is co , the consequence of a delay , you know , a fall of snow or our vehicle breaking down or something not being done , or missed some in human , some human error , it 's not our , we do n't lay , we 'll give , we 'll insure or offer transit liability on the value of the goods providing you 've got additional full transit liability with us , but we wo n't for the loss of business because you did n't get it .
19 A second factor which I 'd like to raise , and please stop me , sir , if I 'm not playing your ground rules here , is to get back to the original point made by Mr Davis , as to how this figure is going to be split between the districts , I think it 's absolutely essential that this figure is split between the districts , and it may well be , if you decide , sir , to recommend in favour of the new settlement that you may have to leave that as a floating figure to go around the districts , at the moment it is not .
20 I told you I 'd put things off until this practice is going strong .
21 But this log-jam is going to take some more than human effort , however sincere and weighty , to break through .
22 You begin to enjoy the way people can say ‘ The National Health Service is safe in our hands ’ or ‘ Nobody deplores apartheid more than we do ’ or even ‘ We do not have a shoot-to-kill policy ’ and you know that another hospital is going to close and that there will be another stitch-up with Pretoria and that another shooting is going to be quietly forgotten .
23 The Jockey Club says that it will be looking for a successor to Smiles , but while this search is going on his place will be taken by Tony Goodhew , the present Director of Field Services .
24 Erm we are still not going to enough we we need something like just over half a million to do all the schemes er which er and we could do next year and this Committee is going to have to decide there , which er town centres are actually going to be done and which are going to be erm left out .
25 Mr Chairman could we adjourn and come back after , because I think we 're going to erm the way this committee is going .
26 " Look here , this boy is going to Contention , " the ex-soldier explained , " and I 'm going to Bisbee to get married after twelve years of Army .
27 Some work is going into drugs to treat drug addiction .
28 If , then , this column is going to be devoted to what could be called the ecology ( or Eco-logy ) of popular culture , it 's obliged to recognize that none of the emblematic artifices and artefacts of that culture , be they movies , commercials , headlines , photographs , typefaces , fashions or fads , can any longer be trusted to be ‘ innocent ’ ; that even if the crisp elegance of the typeface in which this article is embedded emits a ‘ meaning ’ as much as does the text itself , that meaning is also just as conscious and deliberate .
29 ‘ Nobody really knows what this girl is going through , not one person — except her .
30 This truce is going to end then .
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