Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] in it " in BNC.

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1 Until then Britain , which had taken the initiative in founding WEU out of the wreckage of the EDC , tended to place little credence in it .
2 This was not the rich pap of the commercial world and there was little money in it for the artists .
3 Though the scientific matching of book and reader is theoretically possible one can have little faith in it .
4 I 'm going to make you a cup of tea and we 'll put some whisky in it to make you feel better .
5 If they 're going to mix with the church then they 'll be only too happy to take some part in it .
6 All that tension , and here she was , facing one ice bucket with some champagne in it , two prints on the walls and a large double bed with a quilted bedspread .
7 And he goes well I 've got some money in it !
8 They often study psychology after developing some expertise in it through education , community , health , or social services work , and they usually return to or take on such work , rather than becoming professional psychologists .
9 Nor did she think he could ever feel anything but shame for the way he treated them ; if he was now ready to pretend otherwise , it would only be that he saw some advantage in it .
10 Although she was pleased with what she had become , and saw some future in it , there was one aspect of it that she did not like .
11 And now the world had some tension in it ; now it twanged and vibrated with meaning and possibility !
12 going on , and you do n't need all this garbage in it as well .
13 Gillian snorted as she repeated her husband 's gallantry , but it was plain she took some pleasure in it too .
14 Yeah it 's a I would guess that this er we you know , when they come down and the strips and they go back up again , it looks as if perhaps that 's what 's happened here because the the rope has sort of got this twist in it and one imagines that when they jump down it 's not quite er er right and so perhaps he 's on his way back up again .
15 Right do you want some lunch in it Ant ?
16 For the simple reason that , if they were to be considered as arbitrators , there would be at least a danger that one party or the other might be able to require a case to be stated before a court of law , by which means it could be suggested that the award was not binding because of some error in it .
17 Mrs Browning had teased her only that summer for becoming more Italian than English and there was some truth in it .
18 ‘ I am sure the verse has some truth in it , my Lord , ’ he replied .
19 I ca n't imagine what would prompt this woman to dredge it all up if there was n't some truth in it .
20 Keegan said : ‘ Obviously there may be some truth in it , but it has n't come out from this end .
21 The comment had some truth in it , in that the heroine did indeed have an equine cast of feature , but he made it too often , and with too little variation ; however , she was willing to forgive him , in view of his evident tolerance of her own social errors , such as an inability to say whether or not she wanted an ice cream .
22 I could only agree and wondered if Agrippa 's joke about magic might have some truth in it .
23 Her deseases were a large Empyema of the left lung ( which would not receive any air ) , accompanied with Pleuropneumony , and much adhesion : the right lung was also beginning to decay , and had some Pus in it .
24 If you would like to be more ambitious with your finish , try the methods described in the ‘ Encyclopaedia of Cottage , Farm and Villa Architecture and Furniture ’ by J C Loudon , first published in 1833 : ‘ These chairs are painted but more frequently stained with dilute sulphuric acid and logwood ; or by repeatedly washing them over with alum water , which has some tartar in it ; they should afterwards be washed over several times with an extract of Brazil wood .
25 and my goodness me it 's got some bounce in it , two years old , yeah and then of course in the paper shop who 's waiting for a paper but Alex , so I said oh I said you all packed ?
26 ‘ Aye aye , put some water in it next time ! ’
27 Will you get a jug and put some water in it ?
28 Try putting some water in it !
29 No you do n't , you put the saucepan with some water in it , you boil that and put the bowl mixture in in the saucepan .
30 He come in , his eye 's right out here , and it 's streaming with water and he says he 's been to hospital , they dripped some water in it , washed it out must be mine that , what do you reckon ?
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