Example sentences of "[det] [prep] in the " in BNC.

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1 Now I noticed this with in the sitting room this year I got John , friend of Nev 's to repaint the walls because do you remember they were called soft peach ?
2 But the base of the bed is still in the dining room , they ca n't get it up up the stairs although i although it folds up , you know , it 's it 's standing like this in in the dining room .
3 Indeed for those insiders living in Cheater 's metaphorical front room — such as in the police — the need to obscure and seek a degree of anonymity from the analytic gaze can be described as a major principle in the preservation of power , ranking highly in the structures of significance .
4 Our research was designed to ensure that the field-worker was also around a great deal and was stubborn in exploiting the naturally occurring situations of privacy , where natural conversation is inevitable because it is interactionally difficult to abstain from it , such as in the back of vehicles , in the sanger while on guard duty , relaxing in many of the recreational rooms , or off duty .
5 Smaller quantities are produced elsewhere , such as in the southern states of North America and Italy .
6 On occasion arrangements would be made between governments , such as in the period 1632–47 when England and Spain agreed that large amounts of Spanish silver were to be coined at the mint of London , accounting for a high proportion of its output .
7 In Ireland , for example , it is estimated that some 25% of all forestry workers also farm ; elsewhere , such as in the west of Scotland and in the Islands , fishing is very often a complementary occupation for many small farmers while in southern Italy whole communities live by fishing alone .
8 Finally , there were the microscopic soot spheres , produced by high temperature combustion , such as in the boilers of power stations .
9 The brachiopods are still numerous in some environments , but these tend to be rather inaccessible , such as in the deep sea , which inhibits their direct study in the field .
10 While there are many further applications of biotechnology in agriculture , such as in the treatment of agricultural waste , the examples given above testify to its potency as a future agent of environmental change , a potency which is likely to increase exponentially as genetic engineering develops ( section 8.4.3 ) .
11 They were , indeed , usually of the kind denoting residence , such as atte Mede — at the mead ; in the putte — in the pit ; which in time became just Mead or Pitt , the definite articles being dropped ; or were toponymical , such as in the hurn ( a hurn being an out-of-the-way corner ) , which evolved into Hurneman and Hurman .
12 Some slight insight into early local agricultural practices may be obtained from such things as Anglo-Saxon charters , details of which have been published ( from 1961 onwards ) in a series of volumes called The Early Charters of … , and commentaries on land usage such as in The Domesday Geography of … , each volume of which deals with a particular region .
13 You may divide it into sections , such as in the tables , record it just as it is spoken , or however else you wish , but do record it for later reference and to help you learn .
14 We can test this theory by using matrix isolation and then employing standard techniques such as in the study of stable molecules .
15 Much of the legislation for completion of the single market has been adopted with a significant proportion already in force ; other legislation , such as in the air transport sector , is only transitional , so that businesses affected have time to adapt to the changing environment .
16 Any outstanding supervision by a host state , such as in the banking sector in relation to liquidity , remains only in the absence of further harmonisation .
17 So in some areas the Commission has only issued a recommendation or communication , which are merely persuasive and have no legal effect , such as in the area of social protection , child care , minimum income and persons living in frontier regions .
18 Sometimes , such Olympian detachment moves to superciliousness and deliberate archaism , such as in the persistent reference to ‘ Scotchmen ’ in the final essay , on Anglo-Scottish Union .
19 In some instances , such as in the robot-welding case , jobs are deliberately de-skilled as part of a management strategy to tighten control and reduce costs .
20 It was the most mature of his symphonies so far , and it shows how quickly he could assimilate aspects of national style , such as in the brilliant arpeggio passage which opens it — the famous ‘ premier coup d'archet ’ ( opening bow stroke ) of which the French were particularly proud .
21 Many people work at their machines while they can and leave the hand work for quiet times , such as in the evenings whilst watching television .
22 I suspect that this was largely due to the initiatives taken by the ARPS , such as in the organising of seminars , the involvement of European affairs , the lobbying in Parliament etc. which I think some AIR members felt they should be leading .
23 All walls seem to have been lime washed , even those not plastered , such as in the ‘ dead room ’ in the basement .
24 What we can glean , though , and what Goody appears to take at face value , is some insight into how they represented themselves , such as in the statements they made about the reliability of their own accounts .
25 When Lyons attempts to specify differences between ‘ language-systems ’ , such as in the example of English pronouns , or in that of the lack of status marking in English grammar , it becomes virtually impossible to keep the formal ‘ lexical and grammatical ’ features separate from the cultural context .
26 Equally it is often used to explain why national leaders are better placed to mobilize collective effort in the national interest such as in the response to the second oil crisis in 1979 .
27 This dilemma eventually led , in 1932 , to the JCP accepting that the only way to alter institutions of exploitation such as in the landlord system or in industry was indeed to dismantle the entire structure of the state as an Imperial family .
28 Overwhelmingly it is a region of spectacular skyscapes complimented by the distinctive pastel tones of agricultural patchwork , mellow Lincolnshire brickwork and the occasional touch of Ancaster stonework , such as in the region 's most majestic landmark — the spire of St James church , Louth .
29 They have done a little bit of redecorating , such as in the hallway where they put up a pretty floral paper with a wide matching border at dado level , and hung an original time recorder clock , made in Leeds and bought from an antique shop in Leigh-on-Sea .
30 It is likely , then , that the abortion method of control was particularly applicable in specific times and places , such as in the situation in which married women worked outside the home , as in textile factories , and enjoyed a key role in determining the family 's economic stability .
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