Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [prep] them " in BNC.

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1 Once again , employers showed little enthusiasm for them .
2 They had n't that veil on them like they used
3 How parents can spend all that money for them to run down on the chest paddling with their hands on the dirty pavement !
4 the other thing is , functions split into ranges , which each ra each bit of them , each range , is continuous , but the breaks between the ranges .
5 The old men in Beijing may not be sure of how to respond to the tactics that such behaviour makes possible ; certainly , previous governors chose to give them little experience of them , preferring the old , almost hallowed , practice of kowtowing to them .
6 The Durham Cathedral players will only function as protectors of the cathedral and of refugees seeking asylum in so far as others in the drama expect that function from them .
7 Joseph Gandy , who claims in 1805 that his designs originate ‘ in the humane desire of increasing the comforts and improving the condition of the Labouring Poor ’ , makes little provision for them .
8 German civilians especially suffered mistreatment at the hands of the Red Army in the East , but there was little sympathy for them after six years of war .
9 There was little sympathy for them from club officials , with ‘ apathy ’ one of the words used to describe their attitude .
10 And , we made very little money on them .
11 Zborowski told Carco how he had taken fifteen canvases to a merchant the other morning and wanted very little money for them , but the merchant sent him away …
12 If you 've left that contract with them you 'd never see it again .
13 Sniff , run down with a little milk for them . ’
14 She was chiefly aware that his passing had served them well ; for the under-bailiffs had relaxed their vigilance , and were moving slowly downhill towards the gate , and suffering the crowd , those who willed , to move in that direction with them .
15 Now we used to clean the bottom up cos used to be a big boiler in the dredger and erm we used to close down every six weeks , which they used to call blow the boiler down , that mean that they open the valve and the heat used to take all the water into the river , so er , that used to be blown down Friday night , come Saturday morning we 'd start at six o'clock and chip all the fur off inside the boiler , cos the boiler was made with all and what we call the crown , that used to be the two furnaces , cos they 're double the big boiler were a double furnace and we had to chip all that fur off them , well it used to take us now from six o'clock in the morning or say seven when we got there had to go down the tug and er go down the tug and erm , then we go aboard and strip off .
16 These are : that they remain as at present , organized and administered on an ad hoc basis ; that responsibility for them be given to the CNAA ; that they become the responsibility of TEC ; that they become the responsibility of a joint CNAA/TEC body to be set up ; and that a new and independent validating body be established specifically for foundation courses .
17 And he asked me to a ask you to when they ra give the tape back if they could possibly supply a copy of it , of that tape to them .
18 That bear in them one and the self-same tongue
19 However , children who are doing badly tend to expect failure and criticism , since it may have little effect on them except to confirm their worst beliefs about themselves and reduce their efforts .
20 Owen believes , for example , that lepidopteran populations fluctuate so widely due to entirely natural causes that the use of pesticides had little effect on them — although it does affect ground predators .
21 As a result , road safety campaigns have little effect on them because they are seen as being directed at ‘ unsafe ’ drivers .
22 It is thought that , because bacteria are so tiny , the Earth 's gravity has little effect on them and they need their miniature magnets to guide them into the sediment .
23 Before long they were busily engaged in cutting the peats , with little talk between them .
24 That at the very least gives me the opportunity er to at very least glance through , I do n't know how long they 're going to be of course , but at very least glance through them to see what I need to see , to see if there 's any which is self-evidently requiring further comment , or further site visit , and er I can then give the Councils a further two weeks in which to respond to that .
25 After the calamity of their Tennents Scottish Cup defeat at Falkirk last week , Celtic travel to Aberdeen today aiming to put that disappointment behind them .
26 The Robemaker moved forward , prodding Nuadu onwards and , as they moved down the centre of the Workshop , the blazing furnaces roaring on each side of them , Nuadu felt his skin already shrivelling from the heat .
27 Well when we went there was Phyllis , Julie , and me and I was in the middle of because I 'd never been on ice skates before , I 'd been roller skating holding each side of them right , and they let me go and I just went and I was going down and I went bang right on the bloody side .
28 ‘ Nothing can hurt me now , ’ she said blithely , reaching out her hands one on each side towards them .
29 Fighting back tears , his 50-year-old widow Sam said : ‘ He gave his life to British Airways and could have expected some support from them .
30 Well there 's one lad he driving the waggon er he works for another branch of them it just the haulage whatsit .
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