Example sentences of "[det] [Wh pn] were [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some who were on the list contested their placing and felt ‘ it was unreasonable that they had lost out in the advertisement race ’ .
2 The editor , Paul Bach , said : ‘ The convoys left indelible memories with all who were on them .
3 But there were many who were under no illusion that the victory had been won and the tide had turned .
4 Many who subscribed to COS principles in theory found it difficult in practice to abandon to destitution or the Poor Law many who were in desperate and immediate need .
5 The partial remedy , for no one could think of exhaustive response , was to clear London and other big cities of children aged under fifteen , the sick and the handicapped : all those who were of more hindrance than help to the defence effort .
6 But the mid-nineteenth-century bourgeoisie was divided on the nature of that inferiority of the lower classes about which there was no substantial disagreement , though attempts had to be made to distinguish , within the subaltern mass , between those who might be expected to rise into , at least , the respectable lower middle class and those who were beyond redemption .
7 But there are problems even with this more sophisticated test , because it could be argued that to examine those who were as a matter of fact interested in science is to skew the sample .
8 All over the burrow , both the newcomers and those who were at home were accustoming themselves to each other in their own way and their own time ; getting to know what the strangers smelt like , how they moved , how they breathed , how they scratched , the feel of their rhythms and pulses .
9 This must seem like bliss to those who were on the rack for much of the last three years .
10 Ken 's friendships and the way he established them continued to surprise those who were on the periphery of his activities .
11 From Norse mythology , Odin 's twelve female Valkyries would choose those who were to be slain .
12 Furthermore , if some Branches struck and called on others to back them , that support could be ensured by picketing the workplaces of those who were to be persuaded : Scargill was strong in his insistence that miners do not cross picket lines formed by other miners , but he was eventually defeated by both the unwillingness of an increasingly large body of miners ( especially those working in Nottinghamshire , see below ) to disregard this advice in the absence of a national ballot on strike action , and the government 's preparedness to counter the pickets by mass policing and other tactics which limited the freedom of movement of perceived would-be pickets ( Fine and Millar , 1985 ) .
13 Before the Russian campaign , an event no one could reasonably foresee , those who were to be afrancesados held it ‘ morally impossible ’ that the French would be defeated .
14 Those who were to be sacrificed would be driven into the labyrinth and locked in .
15 The utility of science was indeed everywhere urged , just as the utility of classics was urged for those who were to be legislators , justices of the peace or district officers in the colonies .
16 Once the choir had filed into their places there was standing room only , and even Mr Salmon , wearing a long black coat and deep-brimmed black hat , was among those who were to be found huddled at the back .
17 Those who were with him on the tour of Dark Summer at the time were equally astounded .
18 Similarly the right to grant mulazemets was sometimes used as a means of showing particular honour to individual scholars or of placating those who were for some reason aggrieved .
19 ‘ Every day hundreds of people — chained , pinioned and fettered were brought to [ the sultan 's hall ] and those who were for execution were executed , those for torture tortured , and those for beating beaten .
20 Those who were against evolutionary speculations were not ‘ creationists ’ proposing a different explanation of the origin of species , based upon one of the accounts of the creation in Genesis .
21 Every day that passes without further raiding speaks for you , the more confirming those who give their voice for reconciliation , and by little persuading those who were against .
22 Holly had talked with the old man and realized only later that when he spoke all those who were within earshot had listened and tried to learn about him from his words .
23 On the ice one man fell and was scooped back to his feet by those who were behind him .
24 Outsiders , even those who were until recently insiders , can not penetrate the ranks of the insiders and , as a result , can no longer influence the course of wage bargaining .
25 Kruk ( 1989 ) referring to non-custodial fathers in divorce , claims that those who arrived at some level of resolution of their grief were those who were in fact able to maintain regular contact with their child .
26 Certainly those who were in the square in 1387 hoping to see the completion of the Duomo would have had to wait a long time , far longer than the span of a human life .
27 It was a vague but important time in the cultural and social history of the western world , a good time for those who were in it and enjoying themselves , a bad time for those who were dismayed at ‘ young people today ’ .
28 Thus those who were in middle-class occupations will almost certainly enjoy larger pensions and more comfortable houses , and they can expect to suffer fewer disabilities , and live longer too .
29 There were not enough teachers , and those who were in the schools moved too quickly from one to another .
30 There was , however , meant to be a distinction between the subjects taken by senior students , aged between 16 and 18 , and those taken by juniors aged between 14 and 16 , just as there was between those employed in skilled trades and those who were in unskilled occupations .
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