Example sentences of "[det] [Wh det] [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 The entrance was through a small separate cell to the north-east , and it was this which had been tampered with .
2 Understanding the process is of considerable importance however , and it is this which has been focused on here .
3 Now the District Council have taken a lot of money off this town , over the market stalls now , for a number of years , and I believe if they 're going to do a scheme like this which has been going on now for over eight years , it should be done all in one go .
4 The hoax warnings , the bombs which fail to explode and the few which do are undoubtedly disrupting normal life , especially in London .
5 We have , then , two different kinds of language as potential objects for study : one abstracted in order to teach a language or literacy , or to study how the rules of language work , and another which has been used to communicate something and is felt to be coherent ( and may , or may not , happen to correspond to a correct sentence or a series of correct sentences ) .
6 The Whitby line , another which has been the subject of closure worries , will serve shoppers better and has new connections at Grosmont for the North York Moors Railway .
7 The current year , the ninety three ninety four year I have figures only up to the end of December and in comparison to the previous full twelve months the number of applications is almost as high in the first three quarters of the year but the fee income is about half what had been received for the full previous year and that is the problem that we 're facing , that the number of applications , the amount of work is , is staying the same or is indeed increasing slightly , er but the fee income , because of the nature of the the applications and the fee regime that is charged , is actually falling off quite rapidly .
8 It all becomes uncomfortably apparent and that which had been lived and accepted is opened up in a revelatory manner , so that the vice of being caught up within the hegemonies of such a system designed to control a powerless underclass can become overbearing .
9 That which had been so familiar to me and accepted almost without thinking now took on a new and almost bizzare aspect .
10 Winston Churchill died in 1965 and was given a State funeral comparable to that which had been afforded to the Duke of Wellington .
11 Any form of limited franchise , such as that which had been in operation since 1815 , was a direct affront to the principles of 1789 , which had declared the people to be sovereign .
12 Supporting this was a further partnership , that which had been established almost informally between each teaching force and the local authority for whom they worked .
13 But as a bolide descends to lower altitudes , C H declines inversely with atmospheric density , so that which had been increasing , becomes effectively constant .
14 Instead of upholding one at the expense of the other , Bachelard offers the possibility of a deconstructive history which would reinscribe that which had been excluded ; this could also enable a differential history of science and ideology , accounting for the perpetuation of ideology after the production of science .
15 Strong instructions went out to fields reviewing their progress and preparing proposals that there should be as little change as possible from that which had been originally approved .
16 The total sum was significantly higher than that which had been anticipated .
17 These included minimizing the deployment of the plainclothes units — the so-called " Skeleton Corps " — whose function it was to pursue and arrest protesters , reducing the use of tear gas , and prohibiting the use by riot police of equipment ( such as steel pipes ) other than that which had been officially provided .
18 This high-profile strategy to shape the public perception of Thomas was based upon that which had been successfully deployed prior to the confirmation of Bush 's previous appointee to the court , David Souter [ see pp. 37703-04 ] .
19 The legislation , which amounted to a substitute for that which had been vetoed by Bush in November 1990 , required written presidential approval before covert action was undertaken by any component of the US government .
20 The bill , which was likely to be considered by the full Senate after the summer recess , was similar to that which had been approved by the judiciary committee of the House of Representatives on June 30 .
21 In an attempt to avoid rural unrest , Chamorro confirmed that it would be impossible to return land confiscated and distributed among peasants who now held legal title or that which had been confiscated for important public purposes .
22 It nevertheless seems clear that the brand of Whiggery we associate with the Walpolean ascendancy of the 1720s and 1730s was very different from that which had been predominant for much of the later-Stuart period .
23 Although the rules do not make this absolutely clear it would be extraordinary if they were interpreted as preventing a party from adducing any oral evidence , even that which had been set down in witness statements served in compliance with the direction , simply because he attempts to adduce additional oral evidence at trial which he should have included in an earlier witness statement .
24 It was not clear enough to protect the sellers from the consequences of their own negligence and it did not apply when the sellers had delivered something wholly different in kind from that which had been ordered .
25 The letter was far more conciliatory than that which had been rejected in 1921 .
26 When Aramco was told to cut production by 10 per cent and then , on top of that , shut in liftings equivalent to that which had been produced for ultimate sale to the USA in pre-embargo months , the company dutifully cut production back 23 per cent below September levels .
27 If your new drive is of a different make you could possibly find that which drive is configured as drive C : could be critical .
28 Er as I think about all of us today , it seems to me that the , that that which endures is human relationships .
29 That which hath been is now ; and that which is to be hath already been ; and God requireth that which is past .
30 For there will never be any new thing other than that which has been before , but everything is repeated down to the minutest detail .
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