Example sentences of "[det] [that] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It was this that brought about John 's separation from his mother .
2 No doubt there are many projects much older than this that use only standard ‘ off the shelf ’ items , and which are still quite buildable .
3 we 'd rather get it done properly , erm , but erm , this that came yesterday morning , he reckons it , that he can do the whole of the bedroom , look there 's been an accident , I 've got to tell you
4 Art is at least as important as Politics , whether in Peace or war , and it is Pound 's intransigent conviction of this that brings out the philistine in others beside Peter Robinson .
5 No place to hide , and this that 's just begun
6 The tidal braking would therefore be greatest around perihelion , and it is this that has presumably led to the partial synchronization observed .
7 Yea , some that come constantly to our meetings are grossly ignorant ; whereas in one hour 's familiar instruction of them in private , they seem to understand more , and better entertain it than they did in all their lives before . ’
8 But within this complete chronology we can discern some processes and states of affairs that are comparatively brief , others that last for an intermediate length of time , and some that go on for centuries or even millennia .
9 She wants some that got bloody erm
10 and we 've , I mean we 've said this on reflection afterwards , as much as we do n't like cutting up plates of sandwiches there must have been some that took home half a dozen
11 Suppressed maternalism it may be , but her passion shines through and she can recall in detail some animals , particularly dogs , that have been dead for half a century and some that did n't even belong to her .
12 I can honestly say I ca n't remember a show I definitely did n't like doing , although I might have been in some that did n't turn out as I though they would . ’
13 Ah well tha no Meadow Road 's got the old gates but at Natherton there were some that did n't have any barriers at all , they were just flashing lights .
14 a detailed map key to all parts of the Castle , including some that do n't exist in the material world !
15 Not with all National Savings , there are some that do n't a apply the compound interest factor , you get the interest at the end on the sum that you put in at the beginning .
16 I believe that my account of events is a good deal nearer the truth than some that have since been published : but then I was perhaps in a better position than some other observers to know what was going on .
17 A brief discussion of some programs written to understand language , including some that ferret out the ‘ gist ’ of a short passage and are able to answer questions about it , gives a sense both of the difficulties and of the promise of these types of approach .
18 In that little crucible of the theatre that story was demonstrated , that here were people of phenomenal talent , with an enormous amount to give , with the tremendous burning desire to express their feelings and their attitudes , and to the enhancement of other people 's lives , and how cruel it was that it was so few that got through .
19 There 's the odd few that do n't get on with the teachers .
20 Look at them long and hard with a fresh eye , question their presence and their use ; there are very few that do n't lend themselves to ingenious transformations .
21 In the evening , before a roaring open fire , we read ; and talked endlessly about the ones that got away , and the few that did n't .
22 The whole ritual took most of them half an hour though there were always a few that gossiped so much they had to be nagged by their Head Girl .
23 It is becoming more , not less important to provide adequate teaching in schools on personal relationships and on how people should treat one another that goes far beyond straightforward lessons on sex education — important though this is .
24 The brave 16-year-old ran along the track and removed the trolley plus another that had also been hurled from the bridge .
25 Or you may be making transitions from one point to another that do not follow in logical sequence , not building on what you already know .
26 Coloured , bleached , stonewashed , there 's little that has n't been done to denim .
27 In summary , Paint and Create does very little that has not been done elsewhere — but what it does achieve is to bring together in one coherent and consistent product a series of easy to use enjoyable programs that will delight the younger user , and more importantly provoke use of imagination and of creative thought .
28 It seems to be referring to a document that that that sets out the whole total quality process as far as the commission is concerned .
29 For two decades , the received wisdom in the industry was that IBM products might well not be the most technically advanced or intrinsically the best , but that that did n't matter because IBM was the best marketing organisation in the world .
30 But that that contradicted today , when he 's not only threatened to intervene against the Republics that have been attacking their minorities but erm , since he 's become Russian president he 's constantly threatened and the area of and you know denied it sort of national .
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