Example sentences of "[det] [was/were] not [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I even remember it was a Sunday and thinking that this was not day to be flying your last mission .
2 But this was not racism , because there are ‘ reasons ’ for the non-recruitment .
3 Perhaps this was not evolution but revolution .
4 This was not hype but hwyl .
5 This was not life !
6 Mr Dewar said he abhorred the thought of civil disobedience adding he had been assured by Scotland United members that this was not part of their strategy .
7 This was not part of the display , i hasten to add !
8 The laughter swelled , and was supplemented by applause , which died away slowly as the crowd gradually realized that this was not part of the act .
9 This was not insecurity , it was a world of pleasing affectionate options .
10 This was not altruism on the part of the brewers , but was born out of a realisation that preserving the best of their heritage could make them money .
11 This was not percipience in my mother , but a belated riposte to my revelation , the day before , of the role of the chrysanthemum in foreign culture .
12 This was not designer stubble , this was getting up in the morning and not being bothered .
13 She would as often as not weep during the song , and these were not glycerine tears , and they were not , except in the later years , produced to order .
14 These were not traffic police . ’
15 Galjart argues that , despite the successes of the Brazilian peasant leagues and rural syndicates , these were not class movements , but ‘ followings ’ of an innovative patron .
16 These were not shire levies but professional soldiers who acted as the sheriff 's posse in the pursuit of criminals .
17 Brian Pritchard , chairman , insisted that all was not gloom and doom , pointing to the success of West Venture Development , the group 's Southern Californian subsidiary , which this year is expected to double its output to about 500 homes .
18 The interesting people you wanted to be with — their minds were unusual , you saw things freshly with them and all was not deadness and repetition .
19 That was not boy 's cake !
20 That was not love .
21 That was not indexation but a recognition of the fact that , if an exemption is to be made , it should be at a sensible and workable level .
22 Under Lynch that was not part of the regime , which is regarded as a curious omission in most gyms , and it did not work for Benn .
23 Under Lynch that was not part of the regime , which is regarded as a curious omission in most gyms , and it did not work for Benn .
24 That was not game , set and match for Britain ; it was a lousy piece of negotiation which left Britain on the sidelines of Europe .
25 It does not lay an adequate foundation for a claim that , even if the solicitors did so advise , that was not advice which a competent solicitor could reasonably have given .
26 But it was a wife 's duty to obey her husband in all that was not sin .
27 If members of a conquering nation called upon the nation they had conquered and continued to hold down to forget their specific nationality and position , to ‘ sink national differences ’ and so forth , that was not internationalism , it was nothing else but preaching to them submission to the yoke , and attempting to justify and perpetuate the domination of the conqueror under the cloak of internationalism .
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