Example sentences of "[det] [was/were] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 1.15:IF this were over hurdles , Dawson City would have lumps in hand .
2 Something the Wild Geese used to say — the Irish soldiers who had fled Ireland after that big battle at the end of the seventeenth century when they were dying on foreign battlefields they used to say : ‘ Would that this were for Ireland . ’
3 Informed sources in the Caribbean thought it likely that the political maneouvrings behind all this were by way of a reprisal for a report by Lord Avebury criticizing Forbes Burnham 's ruling party for election-rigging .
4 That said , he barely engaged with the details of the argument , dismissing the very notion of the lists as if this were beneath consideration .
5 A few were off duty that evening .
6 It argued that of the half million British troops overseas , 200,000 were in areas that did not create a foreign currency liability , and of the rest few were in areas requiring direct dollar expenditure ; ‘ it follows that the contribution to be made to the balance of payments problem by the withdrawal of troops in overseas theatres will be strictly limited , will apply only to those areas when there is at present a currency obligation , and will produce little or no direct dollar saving . '
7 The libraries in the country districts were housed in the schools but a few were in church halls where schools were not available .
8 Some were beyond help and had to be put to sleep ( which is always upsetting — it makes me mad ) .
9 Some were on cartridge paper , some on pages torn from what looked like school exercise books , and some on folded , green-lined computer print-out .
10 Some were new , some were old ; some were for men , some for women ; some had baskets , some did not .
11 Some of these cheeses were eaten the day they were made , with cream and sugar , some were for almond cheesecakes , some for the fillings of covered pies called Florentines , some for spiced cheese loaves baked in stoneware porringers .
12 Some were of stone , some of wood .
13 ( None of the other photographs shared this particular composition , though some were of personalities who could be thought of as ‘ hunky ’ men — Philip Schofield , for instance . )
14 Others were pantry maids , laundry workers , and some were in factory work as machinists or " chocolate coverers " .
15 Reactions have varied — some were in favour of operating such a scheme , while others either doubted its feasibility or were unable to participate .
16 However , cities were not all equal ; some were in decline economically , others were booming , and town planning was drawn into a view of regional and national spatial distributions of population and industry .
17 Some were in business suits , others in uniforms which had clearly been designed by a Gilbert and Sullivan enthusiast .
18 Among the senior naval officers with Scottish political interests some were in opposition to the Administration , and one at least , Admiral Lord Keith , because of the importance of the commands which he held , was able to utilise naval patronage to sustain the political interest of the Elphinstone family of which he was a member .
19 Some were in use as fulling mills whilst others were used predominantly for the grinding of barley for brewing the monastery 's beer supply .
20 Half were for cancellation , a quarter for medical expenses and most of the remainder for loss or theft of belongings .
21 Almost half were in nursery classes in school .
22 One of his clients was dead , and the life and reputation of another were in danger .
23 This was at Brands Hatch last autumn where Mark was fourth .
24 This was at Cumbernauld ( 1956 ) , 15 miles to the north-east of the city on the Stirling Road , another addition to the heart of the industrial belt between Forth and Clyde .
25 well we had in the bank , we had calor gas lamps and when the power cut came we had to have the calor gas lamps on , and er , at night you 'd get home and you knew what area was going off at what time and you used to have to rush round , I remember once , it was going off about six and it went off early , it went off about five instead , and I 'd started cooking the tea , luckily got a gas cooker and this was at Abbott Road , it started
26 The Politburo , reviewing the talks , described them as a ‘ major political event ’ and thought particularly significant the two leaders ' declaration that a nuclear war could not be won and must never be fought ; this was at odds with the views of some influential US ( and Soviet ) strategists .
27 Whilst Rick 's aim in changing the curriculum was to focus on mathematical thinking , this was at odds not only with many parents ' perceptions of mathematics , but also those of one member of his department and the headteacher .
28 This was at odds with the view of mathematics and the theory of learning underpinning the innovation with which she was involved .
29 This was at Chelsea Barracks ? ’
30 This was at lunchtime . ’
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