Example sentences of "[det] [was/were] [adv] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 It is not clear who these other aliens were — some were probably Italians-but it is probable that a substantial proportion of them were engaged in trade with Gascony or other French lands .
2 About half were home and half foreign .
3 She urged an inquiry , but as she explained some months later , ‘ This was brusquely and rudely refused by Mr. Merlyn Rees , the then Secretary of State , on the grounds that my allegations were untrue . ’
4 This was largely but not exclusively an obsession of Congregationalists , much as it had been of mediaeval bishops .
5 By 1880 this was more and more a matter of Great Russian chauvinism within the boundaries of the Russian Empire , and tsarist imperialism abroad , but it had great sentimental appeal among Slavs living under non-Slav rulers who were encouraged by it to look to this ‘ big brother ’ .
6 This was more or less the case throughout the West Indies , although attitudes in Barbados were undoubtedly narrower than elsewhere .
7 But to the bulk of the party , Law s presence in government was a guarantee of the party 's independence ; with Law in charge the party would extract from coalition whatever there was to be gained , but at no risk , and when stripped of all complications this was more or less what Bonar Law intended all along .
8 I feel badly let down by Penguin because this was more or less what I had been trying to persuade them all along would happen .
9 This was more or less the view of the headmaster .
10 But it would have taken more than me to convince Harold Wilson that this was so and that conspiracies were not afoot .
11 The yard did not appreciate the significance of the words , ‘ without prejudice to our rights , ’ the owners realised that this was so and deliberately did not draw the yard 's attention to the significance of the reservation .
12 So if if you ask the question erm or if you ask the question who something something the answer would be a name the person who did this was so and so .
13 These were more or less identical to the British Military overseas ambulance train .
14 All of these were more or less subsumed under the rubric of the developed ( advanced industrial ) societies and the developing ( usually a euphemism for undeveloped or , more radically , underdeveloped ) societies .
15 I hope she had n't done it that Saturday when we all were outside and we watching
16 Soon all were aboard and waving to those unfortunate enough to stay behind , and we would be off to Dymchurch or some other exotic foreign place .
17 The world of the Zoo seemed to move without any noise at all and around the Cages all was still but for the visitor Creggan had attacked , who swayed back and forth where he sat on the ground , others gathered around him .
18 The present tax system was too complicated ; people setting up in business on their own were more or less forced to employ an accountant .
19 It was next , it was next to H & T Hornes and erm I , I think they used to do the casting there and then all the castings had to come into , for us to file and it was hard work but er there was erm a big bell to tell us when to stop work and that was outside and there was a big notice in the department , wait for the bell or
20 Well that was here and Saint Gregory 's you see .
21 The contrary relation will therefore show up in a sentential context that specifies , or at least implies , that a single event is being referred to , such as I only met Mary once , and that was today/yesterday or ( somewhat less convincingly ) It was today/yesterday that I met Mary .
22 Well we had a r a sch classroom in the infants school there for our headquarters and er storing cos we used to make use , we had a palliasse on the floor for when we was on night duty erm but I can never understand why we had our he headquarters over there but we had to do guard duties over in the elementary school on th school on the other side because that was the only one that had got a telephone and we had to man the telephones from the Brigade Headquarters or the to be able to phone to should they want us to be called out and so we had to do the guard duty over there but we slept in the , when we was off duty we was in er Alma Green School and that was there and then the we moved from there eventually and th th the longest part of our life of the Home Guard , the headquarters was at the cottage , I 've been trying to think what the name of the cottage is , it ha it , it has a name it 's the cottage next door to the Sir Robert Peel public house in Bell Lane .
23 That that was before and look at it now .
24 That was yesterday and I was solving a different problem then . ’
25 I used always to look fabulous , but that was then and this is now .
26 That was then and this is now and changes have to be made .
27 ‘ This is here and now , that was then and there .
28 That was then and why should I swim naked when you — ? ’
29 That was then and this is now was the message from ministers and harassed officials yesterday .
30 That was more or less his way of doing things and it cost a lot .
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