Example sentences of "[det] [is] for me " in BNC.

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1 Doing something you like , if you can give yourself half an hour , or an hour , you know just say this is for me , and for me only .
2 ‘ Are you sure that this is for me , Joe ? ’
3 One way of addressing this is for me to continue to highlight some of the views of colleagues who have not , in the public mind at least , been closely associated with the anti-Federalist cause and several of whom were not , for instance , among the eighty-odd Conservative Members who signed one or both of the ‘ Fresh Start ’ Motions .
4 ‘ And this is for me . ’
5 I suppose while this is for me cos on the sponsorship issue is , would sponsorship have any impact in terms of what I might purchase so if I went to the Scottish Opera or the ballet or to the theatre and I bought a programme which I usually do and one of the things which is interesting about the evening that erm Alan and I spent last time at Scottish Council was that half the people attend Scottish Opera buy a programme and the programmes that I have sponsored always .
6 You pick it up and you thumb through and you think , you look at a headline , you look at a picture , you first look at a first paragraph and you think , ‘ This is , this is for me . ’
7 That is for me to tell the Lieutenant . ’
8 That is for me , ’ said Owen .
9 That 's for me .
10 That 's for me and I 've just the idea ! ’
11 I though , ‘ that 's for me ’ .
12 ‘ Think that 's for me ? ’
13 There can be few backpackers who have n't gazed dreamily at pictures of Europe 's great mountain ranges and wistfully thought ‘ That 's for me ! ’
14 Once upon a time when I used to read , or hear , about all the exciting even exotic things that apparently all other retired people got up to I used to think ‘ That 's for me !
15 ‘ Well , I think that 's for me to decide , do n't you ? ’ he remarked mildly .
16 That 's for me to find out .
17 On the state of the evidence at the moment , it may well be that there will be a request for to withdraw the case from the jury on the grounds that no reasonable jury properly directed could conceivably find er a anything other than reasonableness in the police acting upon the information they had and that 's for me to decide .
18 That 's for me to know and you to find out .
19 ‘ Somehow I do n't think that 's for me , Miguel .
20 I do it for you all year and that 's for me .
21 Well that 's for me to listening back if I 've , if somebody objects to , you know
22 ‘ Look , Johnny , I vant vun ticket , dat 's for me , to vare you 're goin' .
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