Example sentences of "[det] [is] quite a " in BNC.

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1 This is quite a steady climb but well worth it for the superb views .
2 This is quite a find nonetheless .
3 This is quite a common feature of sensory cells , including tactile ones .
4 This is quite a common preservation in coal measures .
5 This is quite a story you 've uncovered , my boy !
6 This is quite a lot to achieve with a single process .
7 This is quite a feat , for not even when a lunch is offered do my parliamentary colleagues turn up in droves for a morning seminar .
8 This is quite a wide range of profit-making prices .
9 This is quite a challenging assignment , but you 'll find it worth the effort .
10 I accept that this is quite a basic and simplistic way of expressing what has to be a deep and complex theory , but the story of Martin may provide more clues .
11 This applies especially when teaching a dog to sit , because this is quite a relaxed posture and any distractions will upset the dog 's concentration .
12 More generally one can say that for attitudinism ethical statements invite the hearer ( or perhaps the speaker when in discourse with himself ) to express his agreement or disagreement in attitude , or perhaps join in a shared attempt to arrive at some stable and better based attitude , towards what is in question , and that this is quite a different matter from any discussion concerning the psychological state , of approving or disapproving , on either the speaker 's or hearer 's part .
13 You may not realise that this is quite a recent phenomenon .
14 This is quite a nice bird
15 When you have seen an egg broken into a frying pan of hot fat so that it turns from a clear fluid into a rubbery opaque solid , you are inclined to believe that this is quite a good way to cook an egg .
16 Anyway , she talked to her doctor about it , unbearably , and he says that this is quite a common male reaction to pregnancy .
17 This is quite a long way down for coins of this period and it would explain why I was n't finding anything earlier .
18 This is quite a nice keyboard , it 's a , yeah I like it .
19 As this is quite a difficult idea , which I have no space to elaborate here , readers are recommended to read Scott-Hodgetts ' paper cited above .
20 One might try to construct formal models in which the phrases of ( 15 ) and others receive distinct representations , on the grounds that differences do exist in the types of situation which the phrases correspond to , and indeed such attempts have been made ( cf. for example Kamp , 1975 ) ; but this is quite a different matter from trying to model the syntax by which the phrases are assembled as phrases .
21 This is quite a battery of questions .
22 This is quite a simple cake to make as it is based on plain round sandwich cakes .
23 If I can bring a report by March I will do so but it , this is quite a complicated area .
24 I mean this is quite a good idea actually .
25 This is quite a novelty for me .
26 Why were the shepherds on a hill side afraid ? this is quite a good one shall I
27 Paragraph , this is quite a major job , as I am sure you will appreciate it and I think a consultant is very likely a must for us , bearing in mind our various units .
28 This is quite a scandal .
29 Now there 's , obviously this is quite a , th there 's a lot of violence involved in this , the targets are being hit and i it 's not political actually it 's active , people on the streets erm there are some people being killed , there 's
30 Is it possible , this is quite a bit of work we 're just about to enter into , which we may have to repeat .
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