Example sentences of "[det] [is] just the " in BNC.

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1 But , as Peter immediately tells his father , this is just the sort of bon mot to expect from an idler who is being kept in the lap of luxury .
2 This is just the same for systems like the Polynesian one , discussed by Engels , where large numbers of people can referred to by the same term as one 's father .
3 This is just the beginning .
4 This is just the scream of the Luddites in a changing world .
5 She said she was ‘ not prepared to go to jail for that ungrateful woman ’ and told ANC intelligence officers : ‘ This is just the tip of the iceberg .
6 This is just the most inspiring place , ’ he said .
7 This is just the approach taken by the second theory to be considered .
8 Whether or not you accept Idso 's claims , surely this is just the place for a critical appraisal of them ?
9 Litter disfigures the countryside and contributes to pollution , but this is just the tip of the environmental iceberg .
10 This is just the kind of system that encourages crime .
11 This is just the latest example of the threat to free information and even free speech presented by the nuclear energy lobby .
12 Not only have you achieved a real goal , well , almost , but from now on there will be no more excuses , no more ‘ false ceilings ’ for projects and ambitions — this is just the beginning of a very new and different life for you .
13 And this is just the latest episode in Kitchens Of Distinctions ' star trek across America .
14 Now I 'm not getting at you or Peter Underhill , both of being excellent fellows ; but this is just the sort of thing I predicted would happen twenty years ago when we , as a country , started to ‘ go metric ’ and were assured that five years would see it done .
15 This is just the icing on the cake .
16 This is just the objectivity which is to be claimed in general for the good ; what is good for me now is not necessarily good for you or for me at other times , nor even what I now spontaneously prefer , it is what anyone would spontaneously prefer for me if sufficiently aware from my present viewpoint .
17 This is just the sort of thing that we were all afraid of .
18 I really think this is just the start , to tell you the truth .
19 He added : ‘ This is just the beginning . ’
20 Or perhaps this is just the wisdom of hindsight , a rosy blur of sentiment cast by nostalgia over the scene .
21 this is just the job we had to tackle — unblocking a soakaway .
22 One reason is that many suspect this is just the first of several unwelcome shifts in the government 's funding pattern , despite official promises to the contrary .
23 For the Gallery , this is just the latest phase in a process of rethinking itself with every generation .
24 There is a selection of books listed at the end of this book , but this is just the tip of the iceberg .
25 But this is just the mirror image of the bourgeois view that whenever workers take a militant stance this must be due to manipulation by agitators , and again does not reflect people 's considered judgement .
26 This is just the newly-born body becoming acclimatized to the type of diet and foodstuffs that we now eat .
27 Could I also say that erm again going back to Strathclyde that there is a , a social , there is a subsidy for those services erm where there is a social need up to a certain point and that is governed by the finance available , but its not as though , this is just the commercial network , in fact , er I think its erm something in the order of ninety two per cent of services in Strathclyde are commercially operated and it is Strathclyde region that fills the gaps .
28 This is just the most hateful dress I 've ever seen , ’ she said to Christina .
29 This is just the analogue copy .
30 This is just the kind of thing you waste months reconstructing under laboratory conditions — the difference in reaction between when you think you 're morally right , and when you think you 're factually right .
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