Example sentences of "[det] [vb -s] about [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is unfortunate , therefore , that doubts about the extent to which its character has changed should occur just as Germany has chosen to abandon one of its strongest symbols of guilt , its constitutional right to asylum .
2 Yeah that looks about the right sort of thing , cos it was fifty ohms and we 've put , I mean it 's not that much small you know it 's not going to let , it should let about half as much through as that lets through this should n't it ?
3 This occurs about every three months , and I doubt that life would be half as much fun for him without this sort of ritual .
4 Besides confusing the reformist Labour government in A Very British Coup with a revolutionary one , he denies the central claim of the programme — that a reformist ( let alone a revolutionary ) government would be suppressed — and hence avoids discussion of the important questions this raises about the British system of parliamentary democracy .
5 ‘ Uncle Pepi ’ was then sometimes obliged to bring them to their senses with a few slaps about the face .
6 The debate about Ranters is an instance of some historians , essentially neo-conservative in outlook , portraying themselves as historians of order contending against those who , they see , as historians of disorder , with all this implies about the historian 's objective rather than objectivity within a political world dominated in the 1980s , at least in Britain and America , by neo-conservative values .
7 Erm social exchange processes this talks about the rewards and costs of convergence up against each other .
8 Then Angalo said , ‘ That sounds about the most half-baked — ’
9 Yeah , I think that sounds about the best way of handling it , does n't it ?
10 So I presume that means about a week .
11 But erm it it it would seem to me that erm that the the basis of Government policy in writing to the countryside is para one ten of P P G seven , that talks about a balance essentially .
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