Example sentences of "[det] [is] [adv] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 This is partly I suppose what made us seem like a destination to him ; he was in that simple sense ready to arrive , ready to get somewhere and rest there for the night .
2 No this is probably it .
3 So this is not a power here , this is again it 's a recommendation , as with the appointment it 's a recommendation to the congress .
4 This is just me . ’
5 For a while people were beginning to think , well , this is just them , this is their problem , let them settle this , but the problems of a specific group within the society are the problems of society as a whole .
6 I 'm rather surprised that but there you are this this er this stuff this is coming they were both being one and another er put here and er um um I suppose the idea is that the er two people should be fairly good but I think it 's going somewhere and as I say it 's down again … let's see what else has gone er the the this is just I do n't know how she di ’ how they did this but it must have been fairly hard when they did it and er I think there is n't v-very much there I think . ’
7 Okay erm this is just I think this is er what we call coincidence or just er unplanned or unpredicted er event or happening one maybe one evening maybe I thought it was Friday evening , one Friday evening December er Mrs was watching television it was erm but normally she did n't watch television at that time , but just coincidence ?
8 Erm sir I I think this is clearly You 've heard a great deal about this
9 Yet this is twice they 've been here — first last Spring , and now for the New Year party . ’
10 This is sometimes it 's a pain though it does Oh my God !
11 Which are erm This is actually me being bored this afternoon .
12 This is way you must take a deposit , then at least you have covered the cost of the yarn .
13 I did n't set this one , this is bloody he set
14 This is really it , ’ said Dan happily , looking around , and she agreed , uncertain what she was agreeing to , apart from the ultimate in her conception of what was foreign .
15 and this is like I had er half a side left , yeah
16 I shall always want to be a part of the event in some form or another — as a committee man or hanger — on but as far as captaincy is concerned this is definitely it .
17 I mean this is basically she 's she already books some flats and house a house because self-catering accommodation 's in such short supply because of long lets over the winter .
18 This is now we raised the money — we had a sponsored silent sweet suck .
19 This is so we can respond effectively to the needs of our clients .
20 And if this is so we get the delightful result that instead of there being at least two radically different sorts of things in the world , sensory states and material objects , there is only one sort of thing , sensory states , and all putatively other sorts of thing are reducible to complexes of actual and possible things of the first sort .
21 To understand why this is so we need to look more closely at the ways in which they have been used .
22 To understand why this is so we need to return to the polytrauma theory outlined earlier and see what its significance is for the development of the modern individual .
23 Now some may even find themselves with property liabilities and if this is so they need professional advice on how to remedy the situation .
24 This is so you remember it .
25 you know this is so she says oh I 'll probably see ya , er one night she was er cutting all the up for the rest of the week like , she said do you want a bet on the the big race this Saturday ?
26 This is so I tell you what I 'm gon na run out of here and go boogey boogey
27 To ensure that this is so it must be agreed that it is regarded as being beyond the capacity of the individual to alter , that is , it has to become ‘ sacred ’ , or enshrined in a ‘ god ’ .
28 Because this is so it is unnecessary to make extravagant claims ; the provision of a multimedia library , with the fullest integration of catalogues and shelves , and the finest collection of viewing and listening equipment , still meets only questions 1,2,3,6,7 and 8 .
29 Yeah , but er , this is usually you 've got to work on top of course you 've got ta
30 And if they twist things still to my disgrace in both counts , what more is there I can do ?
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