Example sentences of "[det] [subord] [v-ing] to " in BNC.

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1 Armstrong and McGee see this as contributing to the growth of countries with more industrialised centres and the decline of the smaller republics , thus intensifying regional disparities ( Armstrong and McGee 1985 ) .
2 On the other hand , I sat in my New York hotel room for a good five hours ' Bloomingdale-spending time watching Sex Lies and Videotape , The Fabulous Baker Boys and Sea of Love without so much as moving to the fridge to flex a buttock muscle of my own .
3 I had always been keen on hillwalking and loved nothing more than escaping to the peace of the hills with my three oldest and closest friends .
4 However , for people with children , making a will means a lot more than coming to terms with you-know-what .
5 But Paying Your Way was not respectable , any more than Keeping To The Left .
6 Involvement should mean much more than agreeing to be interviewed by the analyst and working extra overtime hours as the operational date for the new system nears .
7 There was a developing awareness that politics went beyond the institutions of government , and that the connections between state and society involved more than attending to the formal implications of regular general elections and the play of party politics .
8 There 's nothing I hate more than going to an exhibition where there 's nobody there whom I know and there 's nothing there which I like …
9 In comparison with other peoples of the world , Latin Americans read newspapers more than watching television , but less than listening to the radio .
10 In all his writings , Poetry as well as Prose , he maintained what has been described as ‘ an attention nothing less than astounding to exactitude in date ’ .
11 Some say that to belong to the kingdom of Heaven is the same as belonging to the Church .
12 Ex exactly the same as going to the present day .
13 Anne still met John Redmond occasionally , and tried to keep up with world affairs so that she could hold her own when talking to him .
14 There was as much chance of that as flying to the moon but Wilson was grateful for Pen 's long memory .
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