Example sentences of "[det] [subord] [pron] could " in BNC.

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1 I wish I 'd got some cos I could really do with a hot drink .
2 I mention this cos it could be THE way for list members to get their tickets from the LUFC ticket office , and avoid all that hopeless phoning .
3 But at least it would give us some because you could say well yes , there has been progress , erm primary school might have said
4 We hate doing this because it could be handy information in the event the other party ever accuses us of a transgression .
5 He knew this because he could see his lips moving .
6 I was just wondering if later on , I mean there 's a lot of work goes into it , later on , if you want to sustain a programme on this whether we could use the Town Hall , because often other .
7 ‘ Because he is rich and he lives on a desert island like this when he could be in Paris … ’
8 It is i i I I we have a wide range of changes that would flow out from that so you could n't just take a change to Cornwall which would then create an oversized Devon seat , I quite accept that and we 've argued from the first that this would have to be part of the review as a whole .
9 And we can have a look at some consequences of that so you could have short term , long term consequences .
10 I doubt very much if I could have started the Wroxeter School without Great Casterton .
11 You 're very perceptive , because there are things playing on my mind , and yes … it would help me so much if I could talk them over with someone .
12 Who else stood to gain so much if she could be frightened into staying quiet ?
13 I had n't realized just how much I 'd got out of the swing of things but everyone helped as much as they could and I soon adjusted back again .
14 After decades of trying to become big competitors , they were determined to learn as much as they could as suppliers to America 's Boeing , the world 's biggest civil-aircraft maker , and then to stand on their own .
15 The foreigners were preoccupied with profit and getting as much as they could as quickly as possible .
16 They took Shanti out in her push chair and amused her as much as they could .
17 In an analysis of council expenditure , E W Wordley told the FGRA that the majority intended to spend as much as they could on labour ; as a result , bankruptcy was imminent ( SE 27 September 20 ) .
18 The large numbers of the English gentry and aristocracy who enjoyed the profits from impropriated tithes were further alarmed when the Laudian ecclesiastical authorities made it clear they would spare no pains in an attempt to recover as much as they could of the church 's former wealth and power .
19 It might be a good guess today if I could say that most people either done as much as they could with their model and had this
20 On the death of a bishop , while his spiritual jurisdiction and income were administered by the dean , or prior , and chapter of the cathedral church , the temporalities of the see — as with any tenant-in-chief during a minority-reverted to the crown for the duration of the vacancy ; they were usually farmed or leased out to the profit of the crown and of the farmers who were naturally inclined to extract as much as they could from the windfall .
21 Some students managed to struggle through their courses by learning as much as they could without understanding it .
22 The studio thinks Vic 's a genius and gave him as much as they could until the insurance boys dug their heels in over big-name leads falling out of a canoe and then they went down the list and found a couple of guys the industry could afford to lose .
23 Of course , people would do as much as they could on their own , partly because it was n't easy to send for a vet in a faraway place like Baldersdale , which did n't have many telephones , and partly because of the expense .
24 Since Jarvella instructed his subjects to recall as much as they could remember word for word , and he scored for accuracy of verbatim recall , these results suggest not only that the last-heard clause has the highest verbatim recall but also that the amount of syntactic information which is being retained about a preceding clause depends on whether or not that clause forms part of a larger linguistic unit which also includes the most recent clause .
25 I bought the kids Coca-Cola , Mr Feather , as much as they could drink .
26 Anna 's energy , too , proved inexhaustible ; she was determined to see as much as they could possibly crowd in — even the little church where Robin was reputed to have married Maid Marian .
27 They do n't really contribute as much as they could , so that leaves me with an awful lot of space .
28 Eventually the men at the long table sat back in a happy state of having eaten and drunk as much as they could possibly hold .
29 Somehow they regrouped and recouped their losses , making as much as they could out of their connection with the king 's court , and rebuilding their followings by recruiting men to their retinues and councils on a less feudal basis , distributing money rents and patronage instead of knights ' fees .
30 Well they they were all no well you could maybe aye they help aye but er usually they had as much as they could do themselves you see .
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