Example sentences of "[det] [vb mod] [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 that may not have involved , been involved in a cash economy .
2 However , I never tried to get professional help , and that may well have been a mistake .
3 But on the contrary , this world of ‘ it was rumoured ’ and ‘ that may well have been so ’ followed at once by ‘ it is more likely that nothing of the sort happened ’ — again in the opening paragraphs — is as exhilarating as the challenge of life 's opacities to a healthy curiosity .
4 ‘ If you mean he liked men as well as women , I think that may well have been true , ’ said Mrs Baggley robustly .
5 But there has that happened since that may well have changed all . ’
6 As for the certificate system whereby a parish acknowledged its responsibility to relieve holders who became chargeable while working in other parishes , that may well have helped industrial employers for they received the labour while the risk of having to relieve in cases of unemployment or sickness was underwritten by the parish of settlement .
7 That may even have been an underestimate since the count was made mainly in the dry , lowland areas whereas numbers of elephants may still have existed in undeveloped parts of the central mountain massif .
8 Rightly : arson attacks on mosques in Surrey and West Yorkshire suggest something like that may already have begun .
9 Very few readers will notice this discrepancy , but all are flicked and jabbed at and irritated — those circling insects — by contradiction , by undetermination followed by overdetermination of reasons , by the narrator 's fuss over details which do n't matter , his youthful sententiousness about women ( ‘ the depths of the female heart ’ ) and other irrelevancies , his moralizing , his way of wantonly bleeding a robust narrative with ‘ However , that may only have seemed so ’ , his ‘ I have already described ’ when he has n't , his promises to explain later which are n't kept when the reader does n't want explanation anyhow , he wants the story .
10 That philosophy requires tests that have not been done before in the US , and that may never have been done but for the consortium 's help .
11 That should n't have scared her .
12 That should n't have happened , ’ he said flatly .
13 That should n't have happened , ’ he informed her curtly .
14 That should not have happened . ’
15 And this man came to the door , and he went to get the hold belt , that should just have a tape recorder on conversation just throughout the week so it 's getting all sorts of rubbish going in there ,
16 Some may well have had their fears .
17 As Philippe de Mézières wrote in the late fourteenth century , some may well have come from those members of the lower nobility who did not normally go to war except when summoned by the king , but who , in certain cases , were now being forced to take up arms as a business .
18 Some may even have come up from the West Highland Way which runs below Am Bodach in a secluded glen parallel to Loch Leven .
19 Some may even have to countenance death , as did the German heptathlete Birgit Dressel , if they embark on a programme of drug-taking .
20 Perhaps some may have enjoyed their brief flirtation with notoriety , some may even have gained financially , but others may regret the publicity , possibly suffering from poison-pen attacks brought about by the exposure by the press of names and addresses of those who were victims of sexual attacks ( but not raped ) by The Fox or who were unlucky enough to be associated by both , marriage or friendship to this man .
21 A single kiln , for instance , probably implies a potter 's presence for only a short period in the life of a settlement some may even have been itinerant or at best semi-residential , moving on once local demand had been satisfied .
22 More than one treaty is known to have been made with the Burgundians , although some may not have had imperial approval .
23 Some are built with stone , others with turf and peat , and some may originally have had timber fences on the top ( and beneath ) .
24 Yet there must have been a point at which it had clearly failed as a general expedient , and some may always have considered it shameful .
25 Some may have taken part-time jobs so that they could cope with the increasing demands at home , some may never have worked at all outside the home .
26 On the other hand , some may never have placed such emphasis on independence in their lives , or never felt that they had very much independence in the first place .
27 One imagines that not a few may actually have seized the opportunity to indulge in a quiet sleep in preparation for the evening stint , for the dinner was formal and the occasion for full ceremonial .
28 We have already seen that this may simply have been a way of saying that Wulfstan had secured an undertaking that they were going to abandon practices which he found displeasing .
29 A persistent and well-argued case has to be answered and this may eventually have some influence on a minister .
30 The rear rim of the hole in Triceratops ’ skull grew back into a bony frill on which the membrane was attached ( although this may also have been a display structure ) , so that the muscles could enlarge .
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