Example sentences of "[det] [num] [noun pl] which " in BNC.

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1 Restoration of the surface finish was the most time consuming operation , taking some 800 manhours which included bringing the wings and tail down to bare metal before re-applying a new surface finish and markings and minor repairs to the fuselage fabric before restoration .
2 The list of some forty ports which provided 146 vessels , crewed by 2,350 mariners and some 294 boys , to convey Henry of Lancaster and his army from England to Bordeaux in 1347 , is impressive .
3 The social worker 's reasons were set out in a statement extending to some 12 pages which concluded :
4 In the Abdaly region of northern Kuwait there are some 156 farms which are separated by desert and thus exposed to sandstorms , where metal wind-breaks and shelter-belts have not prevented sand encroachment , largely as Al-Nakshabandi and El-Robee have suggested , due to poor management .
5 Thus at Glynde Levels the Sussex Ornithological Society annually flood fields covering some six hectares which is largely responsible for the wildfowl numbers that now occur in these levels .
6 and release another three neutrons which can then hit another nucleus .
7 So another three points which keeps Town on the top of division two south and helps to maintain the pressure on the clubs below them ; final score , Abingdon Town three , Horsham nil .
8 After the General Inclosure Act of 1845 , there were another 164 awards which cleared up nearly 200,000 more of the remaining open field .
9 Wolfe and his opponent Montcalm were mortally wounded in the small-scale encounter of a few thousand men which affected the history of North America as decisively as Plassey affected the history of India .
10 So there are some 55 items which can go wrong with serious consequences .
11 And with ret with er land availability erm with regard to the land availability figures , Mr Steel also includes a s a site of some ten hectares which the County Council has formally objected to in terms of a planning application lodged and in terms of the distributional strategy of the local plan .
12 The government on Aug. 28 published a list of some 160 companies which would remain wholly or partly in state ownership .
13 It reported in early 1970 recommending a Scottish elected Assembly of some 125 members which would take all but the last or Third Reading stage of Scottish bills and would debate the Scottish estimates and general topics .
14 The army was an unsatisfactory occupation for a man who lacked the money to purchase promotion , for he was likely to be in the situation of the Master of Elphinstone , who complained in 1715 that ‘ I have served as Capt[ai-n] this nine years which I have the vanity to believe intitelis me to something better than a company of foot ’ .
15 Includes remains of some 42 skeletons which were found in the caves .
16 The headmistress and some of her staff co-operate in a local Science project , an association of some twenty schools which meets regularly to try out new ideas and share experiences .
17 There are some 250 verses which are found in both Matthew and Luke but not in Mark .
18 Erm the cost of sales is two and a half million pounds which gives us a gross profit of almost two and a half million pounds .
19 Mark has only some thirty verses which are not repeated in one or both of the other two Gospels .
20 In order to administer this vast labyrinth of bargaining , there are some 200 committees which participate in the planning , implementation and execution of joint programmes and investment activities .
21 I do n't know how much they gave , but I do know that it , it , it came into a , a few hundred pounds which is a lot of money in those days you know , when you 're talking about nineteen sixteen .
22 You write quite well abut these 2 books which are n't really worthy of your intelligence .
23 And erm , they lived in this little cottage and erm every night erm the moth , she would always stay up really late and the mother and erm her son would go to bed and she would always go out of this erm go out of the house every night and she would go , cos she had these three fingers which were blades
24 The author 's aim is to provide an account of the chemistry and analytical techniques associated with compounds of these three elements which would be suitable for non-analytical chemists and engineers .
25 It is the juxtaposition between these three strands which will influence not only the industrial and geographical pattern and form of MNE activity ; but how it affects the international allocation of resource and the world economic welfare .
26 Okay so this macroscopic current can be expressed in terms of the simply in terms of these three parameters which relate to the single channel properties .
27 Time will tell whether Swansea 's grim win at an echoing Twickenham was an omen that the international in February will be fought out in the Cardiff fashion of last year or whether it was just these 80 minutes which had the mark of the beast upon them .
28 It is the combination of these two interests which is responsible for the novelty and success of these mosaics .
29 There is nothing in common between all this , which consists in ‘ real , services , and the fixing and payment of money benefits , financed in great part by one special tax called ‘ contributions ’ — at least there is nothing common to these two functions which justifies demands for their being the province of one minister .
30 ‘ Out of these two movements which follow upon each other and fuse so successfully , is born an art that is simple and noble , expressive and precise , passionate in its search for beauty , and ready to tackle those vast subjects which yesterday 's painters feared to undertake , leaving them to antiquated , boring and pretentious daubers of the official Salons . ’
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