Example sentences of "[det] [num] [noun pl] it " in BNC.

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1 With a top capacity of some 75 litres it 's large enough for a week 's backpacking , or even extended expedition use , although I do have some doubts as to whether it could stand up to the rigours of expedition life .
2 For some 25 years it has been recognised that the overall settlement system is antiquated in comparison with that of other major financial centres and that , if The Exchange is to maintain and enhance its position as one of the World 's major international exchanges , further and more radical reforms are needed .
3 " I 'm sure if I ask Muslim brother for another ten days it will be all right , " the Shah replied stiffly .
4 another twenty years it 's littered with people who 've failed in this .
5 But for another thirty years it remained solely an entertainment for princes and wealthy aristocrats , mostly at Mantua , Florence , Bologna , Parma , and Rome .
6 After a few hundred yards it crosses a road and indeed has become a road , which we followed for two miles .
7 Okay and that 's the so that pattern straight the way through for all these four reactions it does n't matter which one you do .
8 For these two reasons it is hardly any wonder that Tolkien balked , and that the Unfinished Tales in particular show a mind searching in different directions .
9 Given the great public importance attached to these two matters it was inevitable that they should receive priority over the Barclays ( Asia ) and West L.B. allegations , serious as the latter undoubtedly were .
10 In discussing these two processes it will be helpful still to bear in mind the distinction between universal and particular concepts , because it will be suggested that anchoring is a universal process , whilst objectification is a particular one .
11 To be more explicit , it is simplest to take the particular formulation of the independent conditional just suggested , and anticipated earlier ( 1.3 ) , in place of If R and C , even given any X consistent with R and C and W , then still W. That is , let us have this : Given the world as it is , or given any changes in it logically consistent with R and & and W , then if R and & then W. From these two things it follows-as from if A , then if B then C , and A , it follows that if B then C — that if R and C , then W. From this in turn , together with C , there follows the dependent conditional if R then W. To repeat , let us have the statement ( Y ) describing the actual events and conditions accompanying r and & in the world as it is , and the disjunctive statement ( K ) to the effect that the world is in one way or another otherwise , logically consistent with R and C , and W. Then our premisses and conclusion are as follows .
12 To understand how this applies to all 12 keys it is helpful to know the starting form , as each key will continue sequentially up the fretboard from the starting pattern .
13 Certainly , all of the groups were unhappy with ( b ) as an ending : in all six reconstructions it was placed at least three sentences from the end .
14 In all six cases it was indicated that sexual intercourse had taken place .
15 In all five departments it is the planners themselves who use the online services , although one had a clerical assistant to undertake the bulk of the work .
16 According to Ata'i , Baghdad became a mevleviyet only in 947/1540–1 , some six years after the Ottomans had taken it : a marginal note adds that for those six years it had been administered by kasabat kadis .
17 For a human , the task of finding the summit would be easy because he could see north east ; but the robot can only test the gradient along the principal points of the compass , and in all those four directions it slopes down .
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