Example sentences of "[det] [vb past] in [det] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the most exacting university degrees , such as those in the biological and physical sciences demand a level of work load from the conscientious student which is greater than that expected in most occupations .
2 This symbolism is similar to that found in many ancient cultures , including those of Mesoamerica , in which the serpent represents cycles of endless time , perhaps suggested by the fact that the snake periodically sheds and renews its skin .
3 Many of the synthetic calcites produced in the experimental work displayed zonation in CL comparable to that found in many natural carbonate crystals .
4 But the ethos of the system and the reality of democratic centralism lend to its political machinations a different flavour and bias from that found in any system plausibly termed pluralistic .
5 This cultural empathy inevitably leads to a fusion of individual expression and tradition that is far more pronounced than that found in any other category of oriental rug .
6 The mean rectal labelling index reported by these investigators was , in fact , lower than that found in any of the groups of our study .
7 Interestingly , in a large-scale study of search behaviour just completed ( Hey , 1992/3 ) we found a conclusion remarkably similar to that found in this study : subjects were responding in the wrong direction ( but significantly ) to changes in the riskiness parameter σ .
8 In the USA , the particularly distinctive features of unionism which distinguish it from that found in most continental European countries include ‘ job consciousness and job control , business unionism , an overwhelming emphasis upon economic struggle and collective bargaining , as opposed to broad political reform of the society and the economy ’ ( Kassalow , 1969 , p. 6 ) .
9 To excel in these areas , Keyence has had to cultivate an individualist meritocracy unlike that found in most Japanese companies .
10 The proportion of health expenditure devoted to administration is likely to rise nearer to that found in most of Western Europe even if the excesses of the US system are avoided .
11 The following list , close to that used in this book , summarises the most prominent symptoms :
12 This applied in all regions except two , but still reflected higher rates of loss in the North than the South .
13 This occurred in those cases of sex murder where the supposed infidelity of the woman was the excuse the man used to justify killing his former wife or lover .
14 Of the 21 attacks attributed to Iran from January to May 1986 , over half occurred in this area and many involved helicopters .
15 Certainly this happened in some Partnerships .
16 A year later further serious violence occurred during the weekend of 10–12 April 1981 in the Brixton area of south London ; this resulted in many injuries and widespread damage , and it attracted enormous media attention .
17 This resulted in each solution being subjected to a series of powerful sharp shocks — a process which he termed succussion .
18 This resulted in several disasters .
19 This resulted in some success in lowering dolphin mortality , but it is still at least twice as high as during daylight hours .
20 When children were engaged in sustained collaborative activity in pairs or groups , this had in most cases been initiated by themselves , albeit with the teacher 's blessing .
21 The results indicated that this progressed in several broad stages .
22 The answer to the second question requires that we look at psychosis from a slightly different point of view from that adopted in most medical literature .
23 In this quotation , however , both the words ‘ collusion ’ and ‘ tacit ’ are being interpreted in a different sense to that adopted in this paper .
24 thought that , … in preference to the suggestion that there might be more frequent recommendations for the exercise of the Royal Prerogative , it might be possible to introduce a system similar to that adopted in some parts of the United States under which a distinction was made between murder in the first and second degree , the death penalty being reserved for cases of the former kind .
25 That came in this morning
26 That seemed in some way cruel , a form of burying .
27 The men , aged 21 and 25 , were each injured in both legs in what appears to have been another loyalist paramilitary attack .
28 This cut was smaller than that imposed in some other sectors , but it none the less entailed over 7,000 job losses , including 2,400 teaching posts .
29 We all lived in this sty , just off Wimbledon Hill .
30 And how many lived in all of you lived in one house ?
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