Example sentences of "[det] [coord] do [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Christopher will you drink that or do n't wipe it on the floor !
2 ‘ You want some more of this or do n't you ? ’
3 Usually they really believe this and do not accept that they have made a mistake .
4 Many , many , of course , recognise this and do not show their gratitude with gifts , much and all as the staff might greatly be surprised by it .
5 If you know them very , very well and they criticise you and they say , do this and do n't do that , they can really help you .
6 I 'm actually , I am actually , I 've been party , they 've been circulating me with the correspondence of the residents ' association and I am very worried about this but do n't feel , until invited by the residents ' association , that we should do any more .
7 The first is to try to achieve a combination in which the tones of the different parts of the design are sufficiently distinct to read clearly one from another but do not display too violent tonal contrasts , unless a particularly dramatic effect is part of your aim !
8 Now after the changes if you do that and do n't produce the ball then you lose possession .
9 I mean , tell them about natural selection and all that and do n't mention God .
10 I think you should wait for that and do n't make any presumptions about the future of the runway .
11 Well you can have that and do n't , do n't want it chucked away .
12 I said to her if she did n't make it the first time , let her lend you my hammer she said do n't you talk like that and do n't you let e Geoff hear you !
13 I 'm still let us hope that and do n't forget who 's taking you home
14 If you would like to do that but do n't know who to ask , have a word with me ( I 'll come ! ) .
15 ‘ It does n't matter whether the customer wants to buy a bus ticket or round the world cruise , ’ says managing director William Shaw , ‘ we offer a complete service to all and do n't just concentrate on packages . ’
16 But it was true , what Jim said , in business you ca n't stand still , you go up or you go down , you ca n't just sit comfortably in your own 1972 executive four-bedroomed plate-glass-windowed centrally heated wall-to-wall-carpeted gadget-equipped house , with your Rover and your wife 's Mini in the two-car garage , and your pot plants in your loggia , and your electric lawn mower in the shed : you ca n't sit still and enjoy it , you ca n't call it a day and call a halt when you own it all and do n't owe anyone a penny , you have to go on and on , relentlessly onwards , juggling with larger and larger sums , owing more , paying out more , until finally perhaps the whole thing comes tumbling round your head like a pack of cards .
17 Do n't eat or drink too many and do n't snack on them during the day .
18 ‘ We 're not in the game any more but do n't quote me , ’ one of their ‘ names ’ said .
19 Even if the equation could be established , the beneficiaries are not the same or do not see themselves as the same : the patients paying two shillings for their bottles of medicine do not identify themselves with the patients admitted to hospital sooner or treated more efficiently .
20 The Bill was brought forward in response to the outcry from consumers and the industry about the way that , over the years , they have been ripped off by the privatised utilities and the fact that , while the regulators have made a contribution — no one would deny that — they have not done anything like enough and do not have the necessary power or resources to advance consumer interests and issues .
21 The views expressed in it are , of course , entirely my own and do not necessarily represent those of The British National Bibliography Research Fund or The British Library more generally .
22 Textbooks have a register of their own and do not provide a suitable model for imitating in your essay-writing .
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