Example sentences of "[det] [coord] he [adv] " in BNC.

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1 you know , oh come on we 'll have fun , a bit of a I do n't really know , like this and he fucking , he gets let in this house and er
2 Bernard Butler knows this and he hardly seems surprised .
3 I here were fans suspended from the ceilings in each of the rooms but in Owen 's view all they did was to move hot air from one place to another and he very rarely switched his on .
4 I 've never been into party political material as such and he just does n't make me laugh . ’
5 then that and he just bring me pack of cards you know er but er that 's how it 's been for a while you know if I thought well being a sh that that 's now we 've done it it 's a pity we 've not got , mind you I mean it can go potty again in a few years .
6 Simple as that And he always wanted to be in on any underground culture going .
7 I know he stabbed the portrait but he 'd got over all that and he never killed her … he did it out of sheer unhappiness and frustration … but that was months ago … you must believe me ! ’
8 and he said you know , he said they have n't been turning up at that chapel for them , when they 've preaching but you did n't crack on they knew anything about that but he just sort of said said no you know remain non-committal .
9 I do n't know though I mean he , he 's , he 's allowed that , he allowed that the fact that they could of been unarmed men and all that but he also condemned three of them on the evidence of this lead which he really should n't of done , he should of left an open verdict on those few cos lead could be transferred to .
10 And in fact it shows a lot for human nature because he was chuckling away at the end of it all and he even gave the lads who did the job a tip .
11 His once trim body has fallen victim to one fundraising lunch too many but he still looks very much the explorer with his classic square jaw and steely blue eyes .
12 I have told him he is n't the same man I married any more and he just takes me for granted .
13 White blurs passed around us and coloured pills stuck in my throat but , from time to time , I saw a man in a room on my own and he always asked me how I was feeling .
14 Well the the idea of farming was much the same but he certainly was not very much of a farmer .
15 He claimed he had n't any but he jolly well had !
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