Example sentences of "[det] [adv] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Supplies of bright red paint ran out in 1943 and several cars appeared painted ‘ indian red ’ , this was a red oxide , that rather resembled the oxide used for trucks by many other undertakings .
2 Er and and and because they are struggling to bring forward examples it seems to me that that rather proves the point .
3 That rather vitiates the traditional nature of Cabinet government if you have a strong-minded figure ending discussions in this way .
4 A unit of traditional authority survived indeed in the Church ; but that rather favoured the independent cities , for with few exceptions each had its own cathedral and its own bishop ; often its own patron saint to protect it against its neighbours .
5 That rather settled the problem .
6 None of them commands much loyalty amongst the other provinces and each effectively rules an independent state .
8 If the purpose is to write , each at our separate window , there is something about the enfolding darkness , the invisible windrush and rumble of surf , that powerfully concentrates the mind .
9 That effectively made the game safe for the tourists , but there was little to commend in a cold and often bitter contest .
10 As Erika had already made up her mind , that effectively ended the debate .
11 That effectively ended the meeting .
12 I think that announcement was actually made I told it was going to be and has committed to support D R D A two and that effectively provides an alternative A P I perhaps as O D B C with Microsoft 's backing will become the norm in the P C environment , D R D A will be in the I B M environment .
13 That effectively broke the General Strike , which ended on 12th .
14 And that obviously creates the uplift in land values which finances the social structure that would be set in terms of the operational criteria for the new settlement .
15 It is dependent not so much on the generous staffing levels of PNP Phase 1 ( though that obviously helped a great deal ) as on a combination of a degree of staffing flexibility and a basic preparedness to accept that this kind of role is important and needs to be built into a school 's staffing arrangements under whatever label is deemed appropriate .
16 and that obviously affects the kinds of problems they have with regard to income , benefits , debt problems erm and with regards the kind of things they come in to see us about , things like single payments f for things .
17 And , and erm because it 's all mass produced er they can actually build a nuclear power station for half the price that we can that obviously has an effect on the economics .
18 As far as I was concerned , that merely represented a different path to the same goal and so on 22 June I told the House of Commons that rail electrification was going ahead .
19 He swore viciously , turned the mare a touch westward again , but that merely gave the pursuers a better angle to close on him .
20 If the informed sources in Beirut er have said through the Al , the prestigious Almahan newspaper , now this is one that er that rightly predicted the release of the American hostages , Frank Reid and Robert Polehill .
21 It might seem little enough to get an extra bus stop or pedestrian crossing , but those are real concerns for local people and such matters affect the way they regard you politically .
22 Northward from Porta Venezia is a site with little enough to show the visitor but an impressive place in the Medieval history of both Milan and Europe .
23 Quite clearly in the history of detective fiction its writers began to feel that the mere producing of one yet more ingenious murder was not enough , that perhaps setting a slightly less ingenious murder in some interesting area would give readers an extra reason for staying with the book .
24 ‘ Er — just the one night , I think , ’ she replied , having hoped not to stay even that long but suddenly realising that , since she needed some kind of base where she could go to collect her thoughts , that perhaps to have a room where she could relax and think in private was n't such a bad idea after all .
25 But that only lasted a week or two , did n't it ?
26 That only lasted a year and a half .
27 That only lasted a week last time , ’ Mandy taunted , with no concern at all .
28 A Mr yesterday , he was just authorising the use of firearms and he said that was put into writing and we 've got that form but that only authorises the issue of firearms er the practicality , the authorising and the carrying out of the raid is n't covered by that document .
29 Having two types of procedure , command and processing , that only have a few functions in common , is annoying .
30 If it does , that only reinforces the irrelevance of Biblical teaching to the relationships of workers and bosses today .
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