Example sentences of "[det] [coord] [vb base] a " in BNC.

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1 That OR play a team like Aston Villa home or away as they try and win whatever … so you always get open games .
2 Well would you rather do that or have a conservatory ?
3 Either that or find a robin who looks as if he has a purpose in life .
4 Camp authorities are either unaware of this or turn a blind eye .
5 The first time he sang the poem Bilbo had just handed over the Ring and was off to Rivendell ; the words accordingly express a sense of abdication , of having been left behind , along with determination to accept this and make a new life somewhere as yet unknown .
6 Obviously the decrease in the amount of time spent with the first-born will have an effect but many parents are aware of this and make a great effort to give attention to the older child .
7 In terms of the planning petition erm as you know this er application has been referred to the Secretary of State and he has informed us that he wants us to carry through erm and consider a consideration of this and make a a recommendation er of it .
8 Annuals and tender perennials are best for this and provide a vast range of colours and textures .
9 Cyprio are also aware of this and market a similar brush ( only the colours and the fact that Black Knight has ‘ hooks ’ where Cyprio has loops , differ ) but to add to the potential for biological filtration with their denser crimped bristle Bio-brushes .
10 As the trainer you must provide instructions , and the dog will accept this and adopt a subordinate role .
11 Erm all this and have a life as well .
12 ‘ I 'll be back soon myself , ’ he told her , ‘ and then we 'll forget all this and have a really good time again . ’
13 You , you then take this and have a wrestling match with that objection you , you know what I 'm saying ?
14 What we have here is , is a huge sheet of this material on the wall , and the visitors stand in front of this and press a flashlight which allows them then to make all sorts of poses on the wall , and as they then move away , their shadow is left on the wall so they can look back and see what their , their shadow was like in the pose .
15 There are many adults who 've had to face up to this problem and have , in actual fact , overcome it Susan Hampshire is one ; I believe Hans Anderson , also , has suffered from this difficulty — that with help they can overcome this and live a normal life .
16 One path to go down might begin from the priority the Council had given to its knowledge of the particular institutions : ‘ it seems that we should now begin to build even more positively on this and consider a move in which certain institutions were granted particular responsibilities … the academic board in an experienced institution engaging in work of high quality should be authorized by the Council to reach decisions in defined areas ’ , and within understood frameworks of report and action .
17 I have a big bag with me — we 'll pick some and have a scorpacciata [ a bellyful ] . ’
18 Sometimes , in their anxiety to reach a female , four or five males cling to one another and form a chain .
19 For these and other linguistic and cultural reasons it is relatively easy for the speaker of one Bantu language to learn another and develop a high level of competence in it .
20 They can bounce ideas off one another and provide a mutual critique or one another 's work .
21 One of the most skilful craftsmen of all , Cassin 's weaver-bird , constructs an entrance-pipe two feet long using very long narrow fibres that spiral downwards , some right-handedly and some left-handedly , so that the two interweave with one another and produce a fabric of remarkable uniformity and beauty .
22 Assuming that you wish to become one of the select few and possess a suitable radio , you should set up the collective pitch travel in a manner which gives a mirror image of the normal travel when the invert switch is operated .
23 Choose from a colourful array of mango , star fruit , kiwi and raspberries , to name but a few and add a sprinkling of Sweetex to bring out the full flavour , or use it in recipes for a sweet taste without the calories .
24 You sees like cutting , you know you see these walls that are like that and they sort of go down like that and join a pillar and do the same again , just , instead of doing that you lay the soldiers across the top and you , you 've got to sort of cut the bricks in between ai n't ya ?
25 I said I 'm going to have to clear that and delete a bit of stuff off and load it with and load WordPerfect again .
26 How can you say that and keep a straight face ?
27 No engines , no weight that 's okay , let's put a just leave that and put a tick on it .
28 but when ya , when you stand at the front door and er there 's a blower breeze and it 's cold , if you put your hand round the door like that , you can feel a draught , you can feel it colder than the you know and the letter box , the draught but if you take that and put a curtain up , it 'll keep the cold out , you 've stopped the draught so you 're gon na win
29 When Aisha returned from work , coming through the door weighed down with plastic carrier bags , her coat smelling of perfume mixed with cigarette smoke , I gave a shiver of anger : I wanted to carry shopping bags like that and wear a coat like hers !
30 Full tanks ( 60 imp. gallons in this model ) would remove 432 lbs from that and leave a payload of 804 lbs — enough for four people of average weight 160 lbs and 164 lbs of baggage .
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