Example sentences of "[det] [modal v] just [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll be talking in a few moments time about aviation travel and the risks and , indeed , the trends that are being reflected at the present time , but erm before we move to that let's just think about those of us who perhaps have decided we wo n't go abroad .
2 And this man came to the door , and he went to get the hold belt , that should just have a tape recorder on conversation just throughout the week so it 's getting all sorts of rubbish going in there ,
3 But when they say that ‘ the agenda shifted on to health ’ , this may just mean ‘ Mr Kinnock talked a lot about health this morning ’ , or ‘ Mr Major tried to talk about taxes this morning , but we had that yesterday , so we kept asking him about health instead . ’
4 He did that because they had not only annoying his neighbours , sorry , their neighbours , because he had once been one of our neighbours , but also they had damaged his house , and they had already cost him probably about two hundred pounds in repair bills until the house itself , broken doors , window erm the wall , and bit of the roof and so on , and there was every reason to believe that this would just carry on .
5 You will need to remove and discard the detachable lid , which is a feature of many cat litter trays , since this will just get in the way , and means that accidents are more likely to happen .
6 But this can just mean patchy regrowth , with bald patches , not the whole leg of hair disappearing .
7 That 'll just mean
8 because then well that 'll just do service from there , but the only trouble about that is that .
9 There 's all , so that 'll just stay there !
10 Not worrying about it too much because that 'll just make it worse .
11 That 'll just slide off the string , that big one .
12 That 'll just cancel that .
13 that 'll just wipe it off
14 Oh no , that 'll just shut down the gain and this
15 I think you press backspace so that 'll just take it to the end and then if you press again no it 's just gon na delete
16 I have n't got any , they wo , I could n't get any fresh parsley so I thought that might just give it a bit of colour , but I 've got dried parsley if you 'd rather use that .
17 I am sure I would have gone to the Crusades and done my bit , although that might just have been the racist in me or my natural desire to loot .
18 Now , part of that might just have purely the ritual that 's associated with things like coronations and investitures , but surely if people had felt so strongly about it they would n't have turned out in such numbers , er to support her .
19 But you see something like that might just appeal to somebody , an embroidered picture .
20 Sure , that might just come in very handy . ’
21 screen that 'd just shut it off .
22 That could just refer to me , ’ Lucien said .
23 That would just leave time for the necessary visas to be obtained .
24 Jose explained that the scissors were n't for pruning the tree , cos that would just make it stronger .
25 Nor can he afford to cut interest rates to American or Japanese levels to stimulate recovery , as that would just provide a one-way bet against sterling with all the attendant risks for inflation .
26 Yeah , but that would just knot onto your hair as well .
27 And so then that would just prove that how , managerial farms were n't that much more efficient ?
28 That would just play straight into his hands .
29 That would just establish the very connection I 'm hoping — despite your assistance — to avoid .
30 That would just have to do .
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