Example sentences of "[det] [be] [adv] need " in BNC.

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1 VOLUNTEERS — volunteers of one sort or another are constantly needed — today we are appealing for volunteers to assist those of our teachers who take specialised classes for the disabled , elderly , handicapped , deaf etc .
2 We strongly support CCW 's efforts to give greater impetus and direction to the provision of environmental education in Wales — this is badly needed .
3 It is , of course , too early to judge whether fundholding has improved the quality of prescribing , and research on this is urgently needed .
4 Unfortunately , the majority of energy used in homes is for space heating ( heating the rooms and the people ) and this is mostly needed in the winter when there is not sufficient sunshine in this country for solar energy to be feasible .
5 This is seldom needed for analysis purposes but random access mode is often used where the records are held over a long period and have to be updated with the passage of time .
6 Transplant programmes are being held back because of a shortage of donor organs , and more are urgently needed .
7 Amounts like these , and more are urgently needed .
8 Much more is also needed towards the building of a full chronological sequence of the main wares and vessel types .
9 This approach to a definition of complexity is promising , but something more is still needed .
10 Assuming that this meets the client 's approval , all that is now needed is to clear the finished version with the ITVA ( see page 126 ) and order and dispatch the bulk prints to the TV stations .
11 It might be heartbreaking but the summary plus the recommended actions may prove to be all that is ever needed or read .
12 That 's certainly needed , ’ said Karelius , ‘ but I 'd have thought infantry better suited to the job .
13 Unless parents are on their guard , they may often give the impression that they have withdrawn love and acceptance , just at the time when both are most needed .
14 Those who defend it say that it repesents ‘ an area of moderation and wisdom in French democracy ’ and that both are sorely needed .
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