Example sentences of "[det] [conj] if [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Either that or if there was further weights redundant to an investigator .
2 They 'd arrest you if you gave a false name or something like that or if you were just a beggar .
3 Yeah , well you know this , this Selby 's one that was the same , when the switchboard was busy it would er , if you , if you sees line three and played it down , well if anybody sees line three and played it down it used to do that or if you sees the intercom that did it , says it 's more like the Selby 's one than the new one
4 I wondered if she really felt strongly about this or if it was just a habit to sound as if she did .
5 The only time I 'll drink water is owt like this or if I 've one of them Mister Softee cornets .
6 In these respects , the EC has taken a very proactive role , guided by the importance of the single market which can not effectively exist if intellectual property rights vary from one Member State to another or if they can be used to restrict the free movement of goods .
7 Now we 're fortunate with with this that if I turn it on it 's very quiet but if any of you had and I 'm sure Jeff you 've probably seen it where you get some older machines and the fan in there rattles like mad and there 's nothing worse than having that thing rattling all all the day .
8 It follows from this that if there is no such thing as justified belief , there is no such thing as understanding .
9 It follows from this that if there is an internal defect then damage to that appliance can not be recovered under the CPA 1987 .
10 It was also believed by some that if they went on strike for higher wages they would be victimized by all the companies in the area .
11 I I have a I have a nasty suspicion that we could go on all day like this if if I allowed it to happen .
12 Can you tell me how to do this and if you need to varnish it ?
13 Right , somebody with congenital dislocation of the hip , the hip will sag down it will cause them great difficulty and they have a waddling gait , and they 'll walk like this and if you look at African women a lot of them have congenital dislocation of the hip when they waddle
14 They they will have the same script almost and say this is a free of charge item , all we need from you is this this and this and if you 're interested I 'm gon na ask a marketing executive to come in and agree a contract with you .
15 It 's very hard to retain it lot 's of work we 've done on this and if you do n't remember if you do n't understand you do n't remember .
16 Jackie wondered how often he had eaten himself to sleep alone in rooms like this and if he had seen much more of Mr Harker than Evelyn , his supposed sister , had .
17 The seller does not have to agree to this and if he does , that will not normally affect the operation of section 20 .
18 Owen half-realized this and if he had had any sense would have shut up , but Mahmoud 's moods blew up very suddenly out of an apparently clear sky and once again he was slow in reacting .
19 But er eventually I found out that er , er , I ca n't er work peacefully here , because if I stopped for er , fighting for the benefit of the workers then er they will think that er I have been bribed or something like this and if I keep fighting for them then there 's no peace of mind , there 's always struggle , so I thought I 'll leave , and the second was , that I wanted to bring my family into this country and I was n't saving anything while leaving them because that 's a bit expensive area and er , the person who got the job for me he said let's migrate to Yorkshire .
20 If I see this and if I see that , then that means something else , and that something else taken in conjunction with something else that I see might suggest so and so , and so on .
21 Having said that , if there is n't any pay formula included in this deal , er no matter what the percentage increase over the two years , I think er the strength of feeling across the country , people will not be happy with this and if it is balloted on it will be rejected .
22 Oh on the other hand I suppose we could say well we 'll use , we 'll get some and if we run out we 'll use English ones .
23 In general , if one individual is able to make its future actions plainer than another and if it derives benefit from doing so ( which does not seem implausible in a social context ) , then we should expect evolutionary change in the effectiveness of such signals .
24 Mr Parkinson can turn his back on all this but if he decides to confront it , road pricing is one of the few tools at his disposal .
25 You should have been notified by your employer if he opted for this but if you never heard anything , or can not remember , write to that employer , or to the DHSS , and enquire .
26 I hardly dare mention traffic calming but it does seem to be the flavour of of the month at the moment but to see that the existing work doubled by and I know it 's going to cost the county erm this but if you do n't want to talk about the children and their crime it is er traffic calming it certainly is a and I do believe
27 One shopkeeper , who wished to remain anonymous , said : ‘ People around here are worried about things like this but if you complain and ICI close the place down what happens then .
28 Well , I 'll have a go but I may not eat all this but if it was smaller it 's really tasty as well .
29 Now it is very difficult , clearly to compare qualitatively er one route with another but if you take an example , the effect on greenbelt land , which should you look towards the back , it 's just one that springs to mind but there there are no doubt er there will be others which we can go into .
30 Oh I know , well we have to do some because if we did n't we 'd be under thick feet
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