Example sentences of "[det] [conj] it may " in BNC.

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1 This bonus may be given because the employee concerned has no pension rights and does not have an enhanced salary already reflecting this or it may just be a reward for satisfactory completion of the contract .
2 Soil mixtures provide the means for some types of adhesion : an inorganic soil may form a matrix with another or it may form a discreet layer to which another soil might adhere if it can not adhere to the base substrate .
3 It might be tempting to make a small charge for this but it may be even more advantageous to offer this as a free service with the profit being goodwill .
4 Anyone who has practised at the Bar knows well that , in the sort of case that arises on an estate , where a number of people are involved , intimidation is such that it may prove impossible for a young man to find witnesses to say that he had left the scene of the crime and that another person was guilty of aggravated theft .
5 If they are doing purely local journeys , then that may be too much and they may prefer to use the Oxford ringroad , but if they are doing long-distance journeys ten miles is not a very significant addition to their journey in length and the congestion on the Oxford ringroad is such that it may actually be shorter in time terms to go the longer way round in distance .
6 However , puberty affects values and beliefs so much that it may not be until the mid-twenties that we can ask realistically what career priorities a person has .
7 Give too much and it may bring about the very conditions it is capable of curing ; ‘ Through the like , disease is produced and through the application of the like it is cured ’ , said Hippocrates over 2000 years ago .
8 As for animals belonging to a dangerous species , a camel has been held to be such because it may cause severe injury by kicking and biting , but strict liability was imposed for injuries suffered by falling off the camel because of its irregular gait .
9 Taking out some and reducing the number of pests is one thing , but reliable eradication can hardly be expected or hoped for , and much as it may displease those purists who do not like the idea of using poisonous chemicals in the garden , they have to be our main line of defence and protection of our roses .
10 A drug may make an animal less hungry , less mobile , less sensitive to the pain of an electric shock , just as much as it may make it forget .
11 Meanwhile , the Government has stepped in to underwrite the cost of bomb damage to shore up confidence in the British insurance industry and the reputation of the City of London as a world financial centre although that , ironically , may encourage just as much as it may discourage the IRA .
12 Trace the answer to that and it may lead into much deeper waters .
13 On the other hand I think we have to take seriously what Mao is , is saying that and it may conflict with that , that other view of the countryside an an and we , I think we do have to take this evidence into account , I think it 's more important to accept what Mao is saying .
14 Now they may have their own reasons for that and it may be difficult for them to send someone at this precise moment , but I do n't think that they 're necessarily geared up to dealing with the sorts of things that you want them to deal with .
15 While small farmers and part-time farmers have to adapt to a changing agriculture , in exactly the same way as large farming businesses , their options for coping with changed circumstances are fewer and it may be that training and the development of new skills and the reinforcement of old skills are important elements in widening their range of options .
16 Now you would n't do that but it may that may be worth a go .
17 I am sure that an America would love that but it may not you know , to an English audience because er we might not be sure what they are talking about .
18 Elderly people require a lot of time and effort on a GP 's part , the GP gets extra money for that but it may not compensate for the extra work . ’
19 In the best case you may inherit excellent facilities needing only minor alterations ; in the worst there may be no buildings at all or it may be wisest to level the lot and start again .
20 First , wind velocity is measured at a given observation point and refers solely to that point , for all that it may be convenient to show it on a chart as an arrow apparently extending for a long distance .
21 If in a sense it means how early can you teach children facts and contents and very straightforward knowledge , then I think the answer is not very early at all because it may be fairly meaningless that you could teach a child to repeat Newton 's law , perhaps the same way as you could teach him to repeat the eleven times table , but without a good concept of number or what Newton meant .
22 If in a sense it means how early can you teach children facts and contents and very straightforward knowledge , then I think the answer is not very early at all because it may be fairly meaningless that you could teach a child to repeat Newton 's law , perhaps the same way as you could teach him to repeat the eleven times table , but without a good concept of number or what Newton meant .
23 Well , so nothing , if the novel you have written is a good one and if nothing that you have done in the way of title , type of story , original laying-out of the situation has not broken that contract with the reader which says , " This will be a crime novel , it will entertain you first of all though it may cause you a little to think " .
24 You may or may not be able to do that because it may have lost consciousness , alright , but we 'll put down warm drink if possible .
25 You think to yourself now what am I giving , what am I giving in the contribution box now as compared to one , two , three , four , five , years ago , it may be the same and it may be as much as you can afford , well if that 's so , then that 's grand is n't it ?
26 Be that as it may , it may turn out that the preparedness not to acquiesce in any all-Ireland solution is decidedly stronger than most commentators until recently were prepared to accept , except for the work of Bew , Gibbon , and Patterson .
27 Be that as it may , I do n't think such frivolity helps CAMRA 's cause .
28 Perhaps this is a reflection of the increasing health of the young and affluent , who are prepared to try to dance for 24 hours ; be that as it may , it multiplies the offence to outsiders .
29 Be that as it may , this work , heavily reliant on repetition and never straying far from the home key , cried out for someone to nurture its more lyrical passages , to shake its often delightful phrases , to exploit its contrasts ; in short , for a far more imaginative approach than that brought by Harry Christophers .
30 Be that as it may , these avant-gardes are held to have a ‘ distinctive character ’ which resides in their ‘ seeking to abolish the separation between art and life ’ .
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