Example sentences of "[det] [conj] [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 It is not clear whether the transition from one quite understandable activity to another that would have made the old commercial librarians blush even to contemplate ( one thinks of Day 's library ticket with its ‘ Scarce books and books out of print carefully searched for ’ ) was simply a question of the slippery slope in a semi-literate world .
2 Owen did n't quite understand this and would have asked more but the two men ducked into the next house .
3 Being submissive is the co point where what happens when you 're submissive you keep it inside you do n't feel you 're worthy enough or you have n't got you have n't got the self esteem to rate yourself as being able to have what it is that you want , so you keep it inside and you do n't say anything and then you walk away should 've said this and should 've said that and all it does is eat away at you and it does that to you physically as well I mean scientific tests are already showing now that physically these sort of things you do if often be submissive enough what that does it pretty much helps helps you to eat your body up from the inside and causes physical problems which pretty much do that anyway .
4 He had told Amy none of this but would have happily confided had she shown the least interest .
5 The skies appeared to contain little that would have startled older astronomers , apart from a host of new observations by means of more powerful telescopes and measuring instruments ( both largely German developments ) and the use of the new technique of photography , as well as spectroscopic analysis , first applied to the light of the stars in 1861 , which was to turn out to be an enormously powerful tool of research .
6 It 's hard hard to say how much that would have helped the situation out there I mean it definitely would have helped in some degree , but I mean there was still all the oil that was present on the platform in the separators except those which were left under pressure all that would have had to burn .
7 It was important to remember that it was only a few hours since Floy and Snodgrass had left Tara , the Shining Citadel , the Bright Palace , and that there was not very much that could have gone wrong for them in those few hours .
8 As a source of information , the return collates much that should have been delivered for registration when the relevant transactions occurred , so that a searcher may find it unnecessary to search back beyond the latest annual return on the file .
9 ‘ She had already done so much and would have done a lot more .
10 There was some land reform , redistributing large white estates among these black smallholders — though not by any means as much as might have been expected .
11 A possible explanation for this apparently delayed effect of the Black Death is that the first onset , despite its virulence , did not harm the economy as a whole as much as might have been expected , and that it was the continuing effect of later outbreaks which did the greater damage .
12 It had not been easy without existing contacts in the region , and their reports would have to be treated with caution for a while , but on the whole he felt he had achieved as much as could have been expected .
13 If I continually throw rubbish out of my back door , sooner or later I will suffer for that and will have to get out there and clean up the mess , as a matter of survival .
14 That these same organisations apparently continue to do business suggests that either they do in fact offer something extra which the discerning customer wants , or that the demand is more elastic than one might expect , i.e. the average customer is not so very discerning after all and may have more money than sense .
15 Er but what I become , I thought you might become more confrontational but you did n't so so you dug a hole for yourself that you could 've dug out of you sat in there but I think you handled that quite well , but there are people like me out there who think they know it all and will have a go at you .
16 Mr Jack Meredith , chairman of the AMA 's public transport committee , said that while bus patronage was declining prior to deregulation , the Tyson report showed that the fall in journeys was between 100 and 200 million more than would have been expected .
17 Even so , it is a great deal more than would have been credited to a bird even a few years ago .
18 Their dealings for clients at premium prices realised £1,378,892 more than would have been obtained if the shares had been sold later .
19 What history will say of his tenure of office is that he had very difficult decisions to make in awkward circumstances and while England 's international team suffered an unimaginable decline most of the 17 first-class counties , his prime concern , flourished more than might have been expected .
20 The casualty rate so far was no more than might have been expected from the hazardous nature of the operation , and although he could not , in all honesty , say he was in command of the whole ship , he at least held the strategic upper hand .
21 So in everything that follows , it should be borne in mind that the sample under discussion is — possibly more than might have been expected — a group close together in age , which could almost be regarded as a generation .
22 If she does not , they will have the consolation of knowing that they did all and more than could have been expected of those unfamiliar with the assistance which the court can give in such situations .
23 The loci controlled the mucosal immune system are likely candidates for investigation , in particular , those that may have the ability to suppress the generation of an effective immune response to the multiple antigens normally present in the intestinal lumen .
24 The rule applies in all preconsonantal environments including those that would have a long vowel in monosyllables ( fricative and voiced obstruent environments and liquids ) , except apparently before [ s ] clusters ( as in hospital ) .
25 On this issue , Hwang and Mai ( 1988 ) have shown that if the home firm 's conjectures were more ( less ) competitive than Cournot , the effect of the quota is to raise ( lower ) domestic prices relative to those that would have prevailed in the presence of tariffs .
26 Correlations calculated this way are generally smaller than those that would have been obtained by correlating the averages but because they do not average out the variance from different subjects they provide a more realistic assessment of the size of an effect for any individual subject .
27 Over ninety states have accepted the obligation not to acquire nuclear arms under the 1968 Non-Proliferation Treaty ; although this treaty has not prevented the detonation of a nuclear device by India and the covert acquisition of nuclear capacity also by Israel and South Africa , the total list of nuclear powers is relatively small , and perhaps less than may have been predicted a few years ago .
28 Resources were obtained from central government under the 1952 Town Development Act and the 1961 Housing Act which subsidized the importation of an over spill population , but these were far less than would have been provided to a designated New Town where all infrastructure costs would have been borne by central government .
29 All too often the profit earned on an individual house or indeed a development as a whole is less than would have been made if the site had merely been left undeveloped and sold at the end of the development period .
30 This is slightly less than would have been obtained on an ordinary fixed deposit for 90 days at 10 per cent .
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