Example sentences of "[det] [conj] [det] the " in BNC.

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1 Or was that where all the money went in the first place ?
2 Our problem is that while Mrs Iverson appears to have ingested that from which she died at the dinner party there is no dish from which some or all the guests did not share . ’
3 With Type I ‘ internal markets ’ , some or all the health care services for an authority 's residents will be purchased on the basis of contracts .
4 However , if the Goblins should be slain some or all the Squigs may break away and go wild .
5 But if a school sees itself as a community school , giving out as much as — or more than — it takes in in the shape of benefit to individual pupils , the manager must decide with some or all the partners on which aspects of community education to concentrate .
6 Each dance should arise naturally from the context and reveal something about one or another or all the characters in reaction to a series of situations .
7 It was obvious from this that all the various reassurances from the state had failed to convince the local residents that uranium prospecting was harmless .
8 However , the German attitude to Europe is something which is determined by a massive historical heritage , and it is only by investigating this that both the motives and dangers can be truly grasped .
9 They will not do this if all the recent most regrettable and very negative publicity persists .
10 Details of this and all the other competitions at the Woodworker Show , from Argus Specialist Exhibitions , Argus House , Boundary Way , Hemel Hempstead HP2 7ST .
11 This and all the other alternative orifices fell into disuse .
12 Interestingly , this and all the additional ‘ power features ’ of 3.0 must be selected by the user , they are not default options when you install the package .
13 I was not prepared to disrupt our rest day schedules for routine work , although when on a special operation or in an emergency we often had to do just this and all the crews were conditioned to flexibility in special circumstances .
14 I did n't like that because it was less than half and all the bills came out of my wages — £100 electricity bills in the winter for the central heating , £5 gas and £7 a week for other bills .
15 Oh I want that some if all the social services just put in with the thing having
16 There was one hold-up after another and all the time Clift became more and more frail .
17 In our example , we were able to deduce this because all the s were positive .
18 The back of the ship was high out of the water , and I was very thankful for this because all the ship 's food was there .
19 Oh oh oh not really , but it was when this chanting came in that the young fellas seemed to like gangs in the crowd and this when all the trouble started
20 Yes I I I would accept that as a general point yes that that that that that that the greater number of years , the more likely you are to get a long term trend .
21 If historical time is the existence of the social totality then the relation between the two must be one of immediacy , allowing what Althusser calls an ‘ essential section ’ , that is ‘ a break in the present such that all the elements of the whole revealed by this section are in an immediate relationship with one another , a relationship that immediately expresses their internal essence ’ .
22 Some sites have tried to build an entire secure environment for the LIFESPAN Manager , such that all the operations foreseen are provided from within a set of command procedures to which the LIFESPAN Manager is tied .
23 Th th those plans are designed such that all the premiums have to be paid .
24 Indeed , when Franco was made head of government in September 1936 , it was as much because all the other candidates had important flaws as in recognition of his merits .
25 We do not say that if a house is worth eight times as much as another the tax bill should be eight times as much .
26 Nothing was left of the hundreds of thousands of pounds — perhaps as much as half the floating capital of Scotland — that had been invested and over half the colonists were dead of hunger or disease .
27 The fact that the overlap of tax payments and transfers in cash and/or kind leaves as much as half the households in a broadly unchanged position has drawn criticism ( see Burton 1985 ) .
28 Oh we definitely do n't want that cos all the money will go
29 Best forgetting that and all the half bottles in the backs of cars but , you know , I never took to the drink in adult life . ’
30 So with that and all the shouting at each other and the dogs , lambing time was extremely noisy .
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