Example sentences of "[det] [conj] [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Discarded vinegar or wine casks also make excellent small-pool containers , when sawn in half and waterproofed inside with bitumen paint .
2 The sword was evidently the token of gift in a ceremony perhaps similar to that in which King Edgar granted privileges to Glastonbury by placing on the altar an ivory horn , which he ordered to be cut in half and preserved so that it could be offered as testimony in future .
3 Thus investment ( diagram ( b ) ) and income ( diagram ( c ) ) will not rise as much as illustrated either .
4 Ah , was n't as much as spilt yesterday , but it gets a bit
5 PRESIDENT George Bush as much as admitted yesterday that he is in a political bind over the abortion issue .
6 The possibility of an audience much wider than Whitbread is there : the flavour created by ordinary people achieving the extraordinary is bound to appeal to many if marketed successfully .
7 THE jump in retail sales last month of 1.6 per cent was roughly twice what the City had expected and more than made good the disappointing fall of 1 per cent in December .
8 House-building rebounded from a loss in 1991 to a £2.6 million profit in 1992 , thanks to a 6 per cent increase in sales to 1,289 units and improved margins , which more than made good an average 8 per cent drop in selling prices to £81,000 .
9 These results confirm those of the time series test in which high and low beta portfolios earned less than expected and more than expected respectively .
10 Would the amount which would be given to ailing industries be more than taken away from healthy ones ?
11 For example , the Chinese character for happiness ( Fu ) is pronounced exactly like the character for bat ; the characters for " stag " and " emolument " ( or profit from employment ) , although totally different in their written form , sound the same when spoken aloud .
12 Apart from the reshuffled attack the rest of the side is the same as played so effectively to deny Donegal in the league final replay .
13 In such cases our attitude should be the same as outlined above .
14 The meaning of ‘ intention ’ here is the same as outlined earlier .
15 In my view , for compensation purposes the position of an assignee in such a case is the same as discussed above regarding a statutory assignee .
16 It is most commonly woven into textured or pile fabrics and it has an advantage over wool in that when washed correctly ( without too much heat ) it will retain its shape , drip dry and need little ironing .
17 Georg ignored them both and padded across to the table in his stockinged feet .
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