Example sentences of "[det] [prep] if [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Men spoke of that as if it was a heroic thing , but it was Thorkel Fóstri , he found , who had done the actual killing , and his father would n't speak about it at all .
2 And now murder has been done , and you are as guilty of that as if you had struck the blow yourself ! ’
3 Next thing they know , all hell breaks loose upstairs : they find their best brass candlesticks snapped in half as if they were toothpicks , and the pot where their dinner is cooking on the hearth fills up with ashes .
4 She closed her eyes as we did this as if she could not bear the spectacle of herself , a helpless , groaning hulk , being rolled about the bed .
5 For example , an adult may focus on a non-social action , such as tongue-poking or arm-waving , and interpret this as if it were , in fact , performed as an expression of some kind of social intention .
6 He said this as if it were obvious , as if he were explaining something self-evident to a small child .
7 He knew that Grainne was gentle and strong and sensitive ; he knew this as if it was something he had been born knowing ; even so , he found himself remembering that the Wolfline were said to have old enchantments in their blood , and that the old enchantments were tinged with the dark sinister magic of the first sorcerers , and that the descendants of those long-ago Wolfkings could still spin their own bewitchments and weave their own spells .
8 Yet , as the Cambridge evacuation survey commented wryly , hosts presented this as if it were ‘ an entirely unknown phenomenon in the past , and that evacuation produced a Niagara all over English and Scottish country beds ’ .
9 Boy watched all of this as if he was seeing fragments of one , continuous and baffling programme .
10 He did not say this as if he was asking Caspar as if six Humans might be possible or even negotiable .
11 He had said this as if he was doing us all a big favour .
12 ‘ You are treating this as if I have accused you of some crime .
13 They clung to one another as if they could never be parted again .
14 The entire text and formatting of one document can be inserted into another as if it were a block of text being inserted from elsewhere in the same document ( see Task 12 ) .
15 We see it in its most obvious form in the interactions between species when one species manages to control the behaviour of another as if it were a puppet .
16 You pass the chosen card and then finger another as if you feel it is going to be the right one and then say ‘ How much do you bet me that the next card I turn over is the chosen one ? ’
17 So every pitchfork used to come out er one after another as if you had numbers on them you know .
18 First , we should not necessarily measure different kinds of information media against one another as if there was a competition taking place to find the most powerful way of communicating with people .
19 Keep a light moisturiser in your hand luggage too , and put some on if your skin starts to feel tight .
20 Yeah , what would multiply twelve and a half by if you wanted
21 If sociobiologists have tended sometimes to describe higher societies ( such as man 's ) too much as if they were simpler ones , some entomologists have been guilty of the reverse .
22 The Luttrell Psalter of 1338 illustrates a watermill complete with eel traps which look very much as if they have been made out of pliant willow stems .
23 After the event it looks very much as if his campaigns overstrained the resources of his empire and made it impossible to hold together , but at the time he was seen as the greatest of conquerors .
24 It felt too much as if she was shunting him off for her own convenience , even though she knew that it was the only sane and sensible thing to do .
25 If I went to Bristol it looked very much as if I would have to go without my prop .
26 It pays out three times as much as if I check out overseas . ’
27 ‘ It sounds very much as if you were the one who was smitten , ’ Cora-Beth laughed .
28 Nevertheless , it looks very much as if he was able to help young Ben out a bit : probably by employing him as a commercial traveller in his own drapery business .
29 And it looks very much as if he will not just be his mother 's champion — but also Britain 's , and maybe even the world 's .
30 particularly erm , and one of things that I did find in Gaugin 's painting of Von Gogh was that erm , er , erm , depression really , I , I could see it there and the des desolation very much as if he was looking in on somebody who was in that position er , although at the time I do n't thing Gaugin and , er Von Gogh himself knew it
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