Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [Wh det] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The Collor administration wants to start fresh debt talks next month , while insisting that annual interest payments must not exceed $5 billion , half of what normally comes due .
2 And so it will be mainly the plight of widows that we shall be considering here , although , of course , many of their difficulties are shared by widowers , some of whose slightly different problems will be examined later .
3 Gradually the business declined , but the mid-1980s saw a dramatic change of use when it was substantially renovated and converted into a restaurant , care being taken to retain the two undershot water wheels and much of the machinery , some of which reputedly dates from the late 18th century .
4 All of these factors , some of which probably appear very mundane to readers waiting to tangle with texts and theory , contribute to the formation of literary canons .
5 There are a number of factors which explain these differences , some of which simply relate to preferred approaches but most are determined by different styles of library management and , more importantly , their different educational context and the influence of outside education bodies .
6 That scenario can be distinguished from another which may nevertheless overlap and converge with it : the necessary identifications of male bonding — ‘ I desire to be like you ’ — produce an intensity of admiration some of which just can not help but transform into deviant desire for , rather than just honourable imitation of , ‘ man 's ’ most significant other ( i.e. man ) .
7 In recent years , however , analysis based upon a given concept of ideology has been complemented by other projects , some of which also analyse buildings as repressive mechanisms or authoritarian representations ( e.g. Foucault 1977b ) , but whose overarching concepts such as ‘ power ’ or ‘ discourse ’ imply a still greater distance between interests and representations , and thereby a greater commitment to objectivism .
8 Its permanent collection of fine Victorian paintings often sits cheek by jowl with a varied selection of current art and craft practices some of which also provide opportunities for visitors to participate in .
9 This facility has been sought by UK businesses and should help traders to be more competitive with their counterparts in other member states , some of which already operate such a scheme .
10 Dr Alethea Ward had known this , and thus had left her money , some of which eventually Liz Ablewhite had inherited .
11 The castle and grounds , which include the greatest arboretum in Poland , at present belong to the colossal state forestry authority , while the collections have been dispersed not only to Poznan , but also to Warsaw , whose National Museum is sitting on the remains of the unique collection of Etruscan and Greek vases ( some are in Moscow , while others were looted by the Germans , along with all the Limoges enamels , some of which regularly turn up in Western collections ) .
12 The hundred and nine properties that we will provide will be split between seventy one er , rented units some of which again , will be for special needs and thirty eight low cost home ownership units .
13 The century following the Peace of Carlowitz ( Karlovci ) between the Habsburgs and the Turks in 1699 saw many changes in the relations among the European powers , some of which directly affected the South Slav peoples , and others which had delayed and indirect effects on them , the significance of which did not become apparent until well into the nineteenth century .
14 His manure was not sold ( as Red Rum 's had been ) , nor had his exploits been celebrated in song ( as was the case with Arkle , Red Rum and Dawn Run ) , but his fans were not sold short : there were books ( three ) , video tapes ( two ) , countless portraits , a white rocking horse called ‘ Dessie ’ , sculptures and figurines ( some of which actually bore a resemblance to the horse ) , an official fan club , and even a recorded phone message on which Desert Orchid 's part-owner Richard Burridge would update worshippers on the well-being of their idol .
15 The railway stations created new settlements , some of which indeed were ultimately to be more important than the traditional towns they were supposed to serve .
16 However , like many genetically determined characteristics — some of which indeed may be responsible for illness or deviance — such dispositions may not be expressed , or , if they are , expressed in incomplete form , or even revealed in qualities which at first sight seem distant from , even unconnected with , the pathology for which they are otherwise responsible .
17 It is not possible in an introductory text to provide answers to all these questions , some of which indeed are still unanswered .
18 On the other hand , even efficient ‘ managers ’ , such as Lord Ilay or Henry Dundas , could never claim absolute mastery of Scotland in fact , whatever they may have alleged to their colleagues , for no manager ever possessed a monopoly of desirable patronage , some of which always remained in private hands .
19 The heat also produced up to a kilogram of lethal dioxin , some of which still contaminates the surrounding area .
20 In more peaceful times Towcester was renowned as a coaching town with Watling Street lined with inns , some of which still survive .
21 Links with Hull and its river industries brought prosperous merchants to live in their Manors and Halls , some of which still exist as residences , or such as Willerby Old Manor , now converted into flats .
22 Evidence for road transport is hard to come by , but it is worth remembering that the fifteenth century saw a considerable amount of bridge-building ; old timber structures were replaced by stone ones , some of which still survive .
23 Despite these disadvantages , some of which only apply in situ , using biological processes in aiding groundwater remediation is worthy of further study .
24 He was man who was always on the point of launching some immense enterprise , a few of which indeed came off while others ended disastrously .
25 The travelling chaos of a modern party leader 's election entourage had carried Major within a few miles of the home of the founder of the profession , a few of whose more troublesome contemporary practitioners are said to have caused him much irritation over the 16 months of his premiership .
26 The evaluators observed one course which was devoted to showing teachers from prospective Major Project schools a variety of worksheets , project books and software on which they might choose to spend some of their grant , and another in which nationally known figures ( Royston McHugh from the Inner London Education Authority ( ILEA ) and Ron Mitson from the Abraham Moss Centre ) sought to inspire a good attendance with the philosophy of a more broadly conceived RBL .
27 Many of Stenhouse 's objections arise out of other people 's oversimplifications , and it is of course true that we know very little of what actually goes on as a result of our work with students .
28 In The Austin Co of UK Ltd ( LON/91/1990 ) No 7981 the appellant reclaimed input tax on documents which contained many of the particulars required by reg 13(1) , but each of which also contained the words : ‘ This is not a tax invoice and must not be used for tax input tax credit purposes .
29 Each level consists of 20 short teaching units divided into three parts , each of which conveniently provides you with the material for a 45–50 minute lesson .
30 This was done by a series of pas marchés each of which softly rose and fell through her feet from toe to heel .
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