Example sentences of "[det] [pron] [be] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 What the mother finally decides to do will probably result from the opinion of someone else — whether that someone is her own mother , the local midwife or whichever childcare expert happens to be in vogue at the time .
2 When we approach the problem in this open-ended , context-sensitive way , probing deeper into linked relationships , we notice that the permissive relationship is paralleled by another which is its opposite in some respects .
3 I should think this one 's your size .
4 But this one was my little girl .
5 ‘ I know this one was your favourite , ’ said Syl .
6 Even then Chaplin avoided being too socially specific , for over and above this there was his own never quite fully adult quality and his essential reliance on mime technique and silence which ensured that he remained a fairy-tale symbol and never became a real-life person .
7 Erm I mean if you 're if you feel that I do n't I do n't think you 'd have any problem doing this it 's your it 's your it 's the
8 Michael 's not playing with this it 's your favourite colour
9 Many partners make personal commitments to a school , for others they are representing their companies ' commitment to this activity , and for some it is their job .
10 Some what 's his name Frank ?
11 Some what 's your time line do you think ?
12 VISCOUNT CAVE L.C. : No doubt there is an absolute unconditional obligation binding the police authorities to take all steps which appear to them to be necessary for keeping the peace , for preventing crime , or for protecting property from criminal injury ; and the public , who pay for this protection through the rates and taxes , can not lawfully be called upon to make a further payment for that which is their right …
13 We still made a certain amount of buckets and bins and things like that which was their stock in trade , but mostly it was erm was erm bomb fins and mortar bombs aerial bombs erm er and er things like er fins for bombs like that .
14 He came to that which was his own , that 's in other words that was the Jews was n't it ?
15 Here I must emphasize that , although social anthropologists in the field concentrate a great deal of their attention on day-to-day domestic relationships , it is not really the set of domestic relationships as such which is their ultimate focus of interest .
16 This-in his words-is his story .
17 If the band are an ugly Suede , then so 's their sound — all grand , effusive '70s gesticulation and rather traditional rockboy moves cast into the stratosphere of genius by pretending each one is their last .
18 than just erm , I like , reason I 'm going for that one is my washer is very similar looking
19 We must be prepared to make value judgements — allow Milton to be better than Michael Jackson in absolute terms , not just because that one 's your cup of tea and that one 's mine .
20 Well you tell me , that one 's your right hand , that one 's your left hand , which is your right hand ?
21 Well you tell me , that one 's your right hand , that one 's your left hand , which is your right hand ?
22 Well , after all she is your mother .
23 After all she was her friend and she was in no doubt that had the positions been reversed Maggie would have done the same .
24 First of all there is their premium income , which amounted in 1987 to 38bn .
25 After all he was her father . ’
26 I 'm not grumbling , after all it is my hobby .
27 Two wonders to consider : first of all it 's your afternoon off , and secondly I was debating whether or not you might have tired of your games here and retired back to the place from whence you sprung . ’
28 After all it 's my choice and I love my career , I 'm very lucky . ’
29 She had a remarkable memory for names and faces , which helped , but above all it was her genuine kindness that not even the most irate could withstand .
30 After all it was her house and the choice of topic should lie with her .
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