Example sentences of "[det] [pron] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It shows that we must step up our efforts to ensure that everyone is fully educated , but not only that they know the facts , but that they start to act upon them .
2 I don' think er that women mind at all , I do n't think that that people in general really take that much notice of it , I mean I personally er have no objection or would not try and dissuade these gentlemen from wearing these things , but I personally would never wear one , and one of the reasons I would never wear one is apart from maybe two cases there you can always tell , and I think the thing is that when I would feel very uncomfortable walking down the street and everyo I 'd feel that everyone was there going wig , wig and the other thing is , there 's a young lady at the back there made a very valid point , er
3 Rejoicing in the Lord is having the assurance that nothing is ever lost , that nothing is ultimately beyond him and his power .
4 that nothing is so lost or gone to waste
5 I am not like that I am neither here nor
6 I happen to think that the prosecution here and the investigating team have done the very best of jobs in the right spirit and in the fairest frame of mind — of that I am totally convinced .
7 Firstly to our Current Master Fellow , , who gave me my initial tuition in embalming , but more than that has acted as a mentor throughout my career , for that I am forever grateful .
8 He himself , he says , does ‘ not belong to the party that would condemn the common and familiar ways of speaking ’ , according to which we know many things at the level of appearances , such as that I am now seated rather than standing , and that fire appears hot rather than cold .
9 No I 'm not on about that I 'm on about lea chucking them out at one o'clock .
10 ‘ Of that I 'm even more positive . ’
11 This is a stage that we 've got to that I 'm not ashamed of , but I believe we will get much stronger . ’
12 Clarity yes mhm okay go for that I 'm not fussy I mean you can .
13 Whether they 've got tables and stuff like that I 'm not sure .
14 Well I suppose it has in a sense , yes , it 's enabled us to both confront the fact that that I 'm not all knowing and that I 'm not all powerful , which I mean was because my children , as I say , are still quite young , which is something new for them , I suppose , as well as something new for me .
15 Well , when you sort of fire a very broad question at me like that I 'm not quite sure what to say because there are lots of women 's liberation movements ; there are lots of women who are interested in feminism broadly defined .
16 If you read books on body language then erm that says erm I 'm not quite sure what I 'm talking about yes , I 'm not being truthful and that means that that I 'm really not being really very sincere or again I 'm unsure .
17 Well , I think for the children 's sake , I 'm going to stay put until Christmas , but after that I 'm really going to have to try and find some sort of stability for my children .
18 And for that I 'm very thankful .
19 ‘ After that I was just lying down in a hospital bed . ’
20 And I went in there , and asked for their tailoring department and er er I found out after that I was just dead lucky , one of their trouser finishers was going to er leave , she was getting married , and she was leaving and erm although you did n't have to leave then , she she she sort of had got to leave , so er I just fell lucky , there .
21 Oh is that I was just talking to man .
22 So orders were given that I was not under any condition to open that thing unless I knew who was there .
23 But after that I was always seeing her , all over the place .
24 And an hour after that I was back in the club sipping a whisky and soda and pondering what to have for dinner .
25 I , I had been er just in the chorus of the opera company and er you know , various the church choir and things like that I was in .
26 ‘ Not long after that I was out buying a paper when a big blue Jag with a beautiful blonde in it pulled up by me .
27 In the darkness I felt in the hands of God , someone who could do anything He liked with me , even though that someone was more likely to be Mr Slieman , the manager , who with his pencil moustache looked more like a used car salesman and was constantly trying to show Louise , the cashier and kiosk girl , his collection of prophylactics .
28 In writing this I am acutely aware that the energy of commitment fuelled by the gravity of the situation in the Philippines has once more taken a hold of me .
29 It is necessary for us to settle on a royalty rate for overseas duplication of titles , and it is this I am now writing to you about .
30 It is necessary for us to settle on a royalty rate for overseas duplication of titles , and it is this I am now writing to you about .
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