Example sentences of "[det] [verb] [is] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 What this illustrates is that you ca n't take an institution at face value any more and certainly should n't select or dismiss an institution on your ( or your parents ' ) first impression .
2 What this illustrates is that , notwithstanding the progress made in the past two years , the reforms in themselves have done little to compensate for the long term underfunding of the NHS .
3 However , what this assumes is that the police never make decisions to de-politicise crime , which they plainly do in their endeavour to argue that many assaults by whites upon black are not racist in their intent , merely matters of public order .
4 Why this occurs is as follows : if Dept .
5 The reason why this happens is that you are thinking about other issues at the time .
6 The reason why this happens is that hemicelluloses , a structural component of vegetables , are soluble in alkaline solutions ( such as bicarbonate of soda ) .
7 As an Egyptian columnist recently remarked in the Cairo newspaper Al Ahram : ‘ What this shows is that the new world order is a system of codified international piracy . ’
8 What this shows is that the physical absence or presence of the other party at the time of the transaction by itself bears no necessary relationship to the appropriateness of the transaction being investigated and made the subject of an order by an English court .
9 What all this shows is that a distinctively structuralist kind of criticism is possible , and moreover , that it is more than the simple application and refinement of the tools of poetics .
10 What this shows is that there is no simple relationship between domains , situations , generations or language preferences which will enable us to explain the linguistic behaviour of young British-born Caribbeans in London .
11 What this entails is that once a charge becomes enforceable , the chargee may thereupon take whatever steps are available to enforce the charge since English law places no significant impediments in the way of the right of enforcement of a charge .
12 What this implies is that a group of people who , as consumers , constructed and sustained this image of the individualist tradition also , as producers , constructed the very image of change , community and modernity to which it is opposed .
13 What this means is that you 're the centre of attention and you 're waited on hand and ( of course ) foot .
14 Although the constitution of the Confederation contains detailed regulations on the powers of the federal government and on the content of federal policy , all this means is that whenever a centralising measure is proposed , they amend the constitution .
15 What this means is that only a relatively small proportion of the population is earning and has the burden of supporting a large number of old and young .
16 What this means is that the faster we go , the more the apparent wind direction swings forwards .
17 What this means is that the opportunity to make worthwhile teaching points , about the subject matter on display , will be missed .
18 What this means is that ships can now have some protection against guided bombs released from a great height .
19 What this means is that the output stage consists of two halves .
20 What this means is that overall economic policy should be dictated by utilitarian considerations , aiming to improve the general welfare .
21 What this means is that the appearance , in the nonperspectival sense , can be identified by the use of a hypothetical statement .
22 What this means is that the rule-based competence which the monitor offers to the BSL learner is the already established grammatical knowledge of English .
23 What this means is that if we want to make realistic comparisons between species we have to make allowance for differences in the sizes of the animals concerned .
24 What all this means is that if non-Tories get the bit between their teeth , they have a chance .
25 What this means is that the taking of leisure is self-defeating ; the fact that one is one 's own boss adds to , rather than subtracts from , the psychological pressures to do housework .
26 Keeping to the domestic front for the moment , what this means is that the conclusions which women reach , no matter how carefully and intelligently they are worked out , can never have the status of decisions .
27 What this means is that the individual in public feels obliged to broadcast an unceasing stream of non-verbal signs , intended to inform others , whether they be acquaintances or more often otherwise , of the place which he or she expects to have in the undertakings which follow .
28 What this means is that B should have raised the substance of his Convention claim under any domestic procedure which was capable of giving him a remedy , including any avenues of appeal , unless , according to Commission practice , there were some reason for excusing him from doing so .
29 What all this means is that going through a black hole is unlikely to prove a popular and reliable method of space travel .
30 All this means is that they have built-in microprocessors which convert the characters and instructions sent from the computer into a series of co-ordinates which the plotter then draws .
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