Example sentences of "[det] [noun] would [adv] " in BNC.

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1 When the Conwy tunnel was built we were told that money would then be available , ’ he said .
2 The Education Ministry announced on Feb. 7 , 1990 , that Russian would no longer be obligatory in schools .
3 If they hoped that freedom would automatically bring intellectual variety and competition they must be disappointed with the press and pessimistic about the effects of deregulation on broadcasting , however .
4 Now if that car had pushed on and did n't brake when he did , that driver would either have taken car out or the keep left bollards would n't he ?
5 That course would doubtless prompt an application by the P.C.A. to set aside the subpoena on grounds of public interest immunity .
6 A report by Chinese scientists in the Chinese People 's Political Consultative Committee claimed , however , that flooding would not be effectively controlled , that silt would regularly incapacitate turbines and that 1,000,000 people would have to be moved .
7 Maybe Jaq would send the signal for exterminatus — and that command would already have been countermanded , light years away .
8 If points on a circle were not equidistant from some fixed point , then that figure would just not be a Euclidean circle .
9 Each boat would then be licensed by horsepower for a set number of days at sea based on a three-year track record .
10 Then he would place them on one of the old time boards which was er board about nine inches by nine inches and then hand that through the pigeon hole to the cashier and in front of him that cashier would laboriously count that money and agree the total there and then .
11 Suppose now that the outcome each side would most prefer ( labelled 4 in preference order in the figure ) is to gain an ‘ arms advantage ’ .
12 It was also taken for granted that Labour would never win under Mr Neil Kinnock .
13 The most you should say is that on these facts there is evidence of negligence ( or unreasonableness ) , and that a finding to that effect would clearly be right ( or conversely ) .
14 There was nothing to suggest that had the evidence been excluded that result would necessarily have been the same .
15 Although in recent years , as second incomes have become more important , it is debatable as to whether this finding would still hold true .
16 Over the years , however , the Palestinian mainstream had become accustomed to financial support from GCC states like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait and this support would now be called into question .
17 This change would also break the ITV companies ' monopoly over advertising revenue ( a change much favoured by the Peacock Committee and advertisers , amongst others ) .
18 This payment would directly relate to the disability .
19 Additionally , some programmes would also involve more than one organization .
20 This liability would only be avoided if careful records of the sources of drugs were kept so as to pass on liability to the manufacturer responsible for any defect .
21 A scale of this kind would normally consist of a number of such statements .
22 Extensive , massive deletion of this kind would necessarily cause major perturbations to cellular function and energetic equilibrium .
23 Anyone who has kept track of developments in this field would easily notice a dramatic change in the government 's approach .
24 If it 'd been down to me , this park would never 've been sited here .
25 the need to expand when domestic expansion is not possible ( expansion in this case would probably be by acquisition ) ;
26 I take no point on this except to say that normally ( and this case would probably have been no exception ) some documents and some items of information would be disclosable while privilege would be claimed in respect of others .
27 A full game at this level would probably take three days so it 's highly unlikely anyone will bother , but the first four levels take a minute or less and even at Level Seven it only takes five — overall , this is n't a slow program .
28 Some Anglicans would certainly go further : the Bishop of Birmingham , the Right Rev Mark Santer , who is the Anglican co-chairman of the theological commission trying to overcome doctrinal differences between the two Churches , says : If Anglicans and other non-Roman Catholics really do believe that the Christian Church is called to be at peace with itself , how — given the fact that Christians are sinful — do you actually keep the show together ?
29 The truth of this creed would then become accepted as axiomatic and be regarded as an article of faith , although , to those who closely examine the propositions they may well appear to be self-evidently true .
30 Breach of this provision would normally lead to expulsion , if only to pre-empt the possibility of a creditor seeking to have a receiver appointed .
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