Example sentences of "[det] [noun] can only " in BNC.

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1 Is she also aware of the fact that the National Sounds Archive now housed in Exhibition Road in South Kensington , ought really to be next door to the Music Library and it has always been the ambition of the Library to put it there and that furthermore , and here I speak from great knowledge because I negotiated the arrangement , if that site at Exhibition Road for the National Sounds Archive Library is sold , that money can only be used under the term of that agreement to provide similar accommodation elsewhere .
2 Yet even these others ( researchers ) have to be given a direction and that direction can only come from some pre-existing knowledge in the field .
3 It was shown above ( cf. ( 45 ) ) that watch can only evoke a process of voluntarily laying hold of sense data by means of visual perception .
4 This change can only be a result of conscious policy .
5 Formulas of this kind can only be the starting point in a process which always demands a sophisticated approach .
6 As things stand , a dilemma of this kind can only be resolved through the use of cumbersome legal machinery which is not appropriate to the situation .
7 This level can only be attained by about 5–10 per cent of the population .
8 This technique can only be applied in bold , relatively thick outlines , and is therefore only used on items which employ reasonably simple designs .
9 This resistance can only be overcome as you gently persuade and cajole subordinates to expand their horizons .
10 This decision can only be based on the spacing between the sites chosen rather than the importance of the sites themselves , ignoring even the cross-routes .
11 The positive inclination [ of the Greeks ] towards this discordance can only mean [ that they found ] a higher pleasure in it — especially as [ the period in question was ] the period of [ their ] youth and vigour .
12 This diligence can only be exercised once the curt papers have been served on the debtor .
13 This theft can only be bad news for the preservation movement .
14 This effect can only arise if the nonword " are being transformed into a phonological code before lexical access is attempted .
15 Hambros Jersey contended that the jurisdiction conferred by this rule can only properly be exercised by analogy to R.S.C. , Ord. 11 , so that leave should not be granted unless the case falls within one of the paragraphs of Ord. 11 , r. 1(1) .
16 A person who fails to comply with this rule can only appear at the hearing with leave of the court ( r 6.23(4) ) .
17 Some computers can only be upgraded with 2Mb SIMMs .
18 This chapter can only give a broad outline of BM and further reading is certainly justified at this stage .
19 Although this chapter can only look at national-level data , indicators of acute housing shortage are much more evident in certain areas such as London since the geographical distribution of housing does not match the availability of employment and the location of places in which people want to live , and regional differential price rises in houses exacerbate this problem .
20 This investment can only be justified for systems where transactions have a huge value to that business .
21 This Condition can only have effect if it is called into operation by the party wishing to rely on it giving written notice to the other to that effect .
22 Now all this reasoning can only be intended , I think , to give effect to the language of Nolan J. , interpreted in the same sense by Roch J. as by May L.J .
23 This programme can only succeed if the public are able to understand what is being done with their money , and why , and are encouraged to work with the landowners concerned so that the most practical and cost- efficient results are obtained .
24 This question can only be answered with reference to specific indexing environments .
25 This factsheet can only suggest some of the ways in which they may help you .
26 Often the individual has done such a good job of ‘ forgetting ’ that this recall can only be achieved by means of regression .
27 In so doing , any hint of attempted indoctrination , conditioning , manipulation , even influencing and persuading , is misplaced because this dimension can only be grasped in freedom , or it is not grasped at all .
28 In general the move towards wage supplementation in the rural South and East enabled the old Poor Law just about to cope with the problem of subsisting the poor in a period of unprecedentedly high bread prices , during which some years can only be described as desperate .
29 This picture can only hint at the intricacy of the colourful markings .
30 Fuel and clothing will probably be more difficult , and some needs can only be met by buying in from outside .
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