Example sentences of "[det] [noun] on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In Australia , Canada and the United States during the 1970s inquiries into the political police and internal-security agencies demonstrated clearly that reliance on interviews with chief constables and general assertions of good faith by all concerned would be inadequate .
2 It should finally be noted that it has also emerged that reliance on markets as a disciplinary device , and in particular on the market for control , is itself far from costless .
3 Attempts to revive the buyout of United Airlines are meeting with little enthusiasm on Wall Street and a new bid — possibly with the support of Jay Pritzker , the Chicago financier — is unlikely to get off the ground before early 1990 .
4 So it is easy option to borrow and spend that money on services .
5 Preliminary discussions on holding joint legislative talks [ see p. 37041 ] made little progress on Nov. 29 , 1989 , when delegates were drawn into arguments about " openness " , reform in North Korea , the withdrawal of US troops from South Korea and the abolition of the South 's National Security Law .
6 There 's that windmill on legs look .
7 Such , at least , is the suggestion of that play on words .
8 The barricades at Oka were abandoned with little resistance on Sept. 2 , following reported clashes between moderate Mohawk community leaders and militant Warriors .
9 I mean p and if every leaflet I think has that slogan on COHSE NALGO and NUPE working together in Northumberland , that gets the message across to the members .
10 Neither seemed willing to accept that lobbying on behalf of special interests and trading in order to build coalitions in congress are both necessary and entirely legitimate activities in the context of the American pluralist system .
11 Throughout the first two weeks of the campaign almost twothirds of our panel cited unemployment as the ‘ main issue ’ that should be discussed but it got little coverage on television news .
12 ‘ If A delivers goods to B on sale or return and B having received them immediately delivers them to C on sale or return , the reasonable time in the one case must , I think , be co-extensive with that in the other case and if that reasonable time elapses and C brings back the goods to B and B takes them back to A , everybody is acting within his rights , and it appears to me that property never passes … if under like circumstances A delivers goods to B and B delivers them to C in each case on sale or return and the reasonable time be , let us say , 14 days , and C after four days sells the goods or elects to buy the goods , I think property will have passed , because C will have done an act which renders it impossible for B to return the goods to A. ’
13 The transmit shunts bypass the record coils when the send/receive switch is at transmit and are adjusted such that the current through the recorder at the transmitting station is equal to that present on reception .
14 Erm I think they , I think they do that during the day and then in the evening it 's on for anybody else who wants to see that take-off on cheeses .
15 He preferred to keep acquaintances as such , rarely divulged his feelings and placed little reliance on others .
16 ‘ Do you keep that watch on London time when you 're away ? ’
17 what we 'll say to you is that you got that parcel on Tuesday
18 Surely there would have been signs of porpoise tanks or something of that kind on board , and there was only the diving equipment and the submersible research vehicle .
19 By the way , did anybody read that piece on George Graham in the Independant on Saturday ?
20 It stands to reason , therefore , that outlay on buildings and equipment should be kept to the minimum required for the efficient production of healthy crops and livestock .
21 Do you wan na stick that tape on Willie ?
22 That car on Cultra promenade , earlier .
23 Or let us not forget that research on Japan in the 1930s has revealed conflicts of interest between and within the military , zaibatsu , politicians and the bureaucracy .
24 Cash inspires a respect among his fellow musicians that borders on awe .
25 Such a word may be useful to a literary man but it throws little light on Green 's intentions except when he uses it in a negative sense ; in one chapter he states a subject was ‘ unpicturesque and consequently not worth an artists attention ’ .
26 Meanwhile , a price increase of 30 per cent has had little effect on consumption .
27 These moves have had little effect on psychology 's general tendency to represent sexuality simply as heterosexuality .
28 Age has little effect on dominance in hens , but in many primates older animals are often dominant to juveniles .
29 Britain 's first application was tabled in august , just after the Kuwait crisis , but had little effect on Defence policy at the time , because negotiations were relatively short-lived .
30 Contrariwise , left sided lobectomy affects abstract words but has little effect on recall of concrete words ( Jones-Gotman and Milner , 1978 ) .
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