Example sentences of "[det] [noun] this [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In each case this antisexual devotion may be a defence against what are seen as insupportable responsibilities of marital sexuality and in each case the resentments and jealousies caused may reduce the satisfactions of sexual union or do away with them altogether .
2 I put it to you that this proposal has to be considered , any new settlement proposal has to be considered within the light of a post two thousand and six strategy , in that light this new settlement proposal will not , at around fourteen hundred , satisfy the situation .
3 This may seem quite straightforward , but it is important , because in some cases this orderly process of crystallization does not take place , and the result is a homogeneous lump of rock .
4 To some visitors this uncritical PR might strike an uneasy note .
5 In some areas this powerful minority may be identified as being the local administration .
6 It is to be hoped that some day this fruitful field will be explored and the results given to us in English .
7 It is to be hoped that some day this fruitful field will be explored and the results given to us in English .
8 this morning this beautiful day had been rich with the promise of some wonderful event before nightfall .
9 Whereupon since his death by an unknown but arch hand , was fixed upon his grave in this parish this taunting epithet :
10 ‘ I 've never seen this area this dry this early in the year . ’
11 Toshiba will invest some $90m this fiscal year to raise output to 100,000 a month from the present 30,000 and raise yields to 80% from the present 60% .
12 In this sense this imposed consciousness is a false consciousness for those who are dominated , since it serves the purposes of the superiors but not of the inferiors .
13 In some music this strained atmosphere may be just what we want , but for the moment our objective is rather to achieve a smooth , natural-sounding discourse .
14 In some sense this mental exploration can be seen as coextensive with the work of the other " social explorers " who , continuing a tradition from Victorian times sought to investigate the " dark continent " or " jungles " of working-class life .
15 In this model this desirable ‘ professional style ’ consists of collections or sets of values attached to different aspects of the work ( such as the administration of drugs , carrying out aseptic technique , basic theoretical knowledge such as anatomy , physiology , pathology and so on ) , organised into a complex structure which characteristics the nurse 's attitudes to the work .
16 For some reason this ancient piece of folk-wisdom seems to have been largely forgotten , but it might be worth reviving it in cases where ordinary measures have failed .
17 Floundering excitedly among the real salmon , he had not noticed the water bailiff , who observed , ‘ Bedad , your honour , you 're the finest fish I ever see in this ladder this long time . ’
18 In some systems this increased efficiency shows savings between 30% and 50% on handling efficiency alone .
19 We care about low pay and low incomes and it 's estimated that in this country this so-called wealthy country that we have about eleven million people now on or just below E C poverty standards .
20 It was rumoured that he had even been asked to Sandringham with his sketchbook , some time this coming autumn .
21 Hence in such firms this particular problem is less likely to be relevant .
22 Nathan was filled with importance : he carried so much information this mysterious beauty wanted to hear about .
23 I go shrimp pink , which occasionally turns to lobster red , and one of these days this dangerous pretence will seem me taken straight from the beach to the burns unit .
24 Viewed in these terms this new development is revolutionary and the logical extension of making information skills a central component of the curriculum casts doubt upon the success of the new development .
25 You just meaning that someone else is gon na sort them out , so you wo n't need to change the procedure unless you want to cover in that procedure this alternative route .
26 In many cases this invisible emptiness inside us takes visible form .
27 In the considered opinion of many experts this poor relation of the industry will probably take 80% of the market by volume .
28 As with many ghosts this headless horseman is only permitted to travel between midnight and dawn .
29 In many places this molten material was then injected into the fractured rock formed by the thrusting movements , and later , when it solidified , a veinwork of pseudotachylite occurred throughout the gneiss , ‘ welding ’ it together and eventually producing a resistant rock which , in some areas , gives rise to higher hills as at Eaval in South Uist .
30 In many ways this huge and fascinating archive will provide for students of late twentieth-century British politics something similar to what Francis Place has left for the historian of the early nineteenth century .
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