Example sentences of "[det] [noun] at that " in BNC.

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1 Now the modern Sylvia realized that the family had very little money at that time and that the birthday party given for her was probably quite a meagre affair compared with the boisterous celebrations on her own children 's birthdays .
2 That that look at that .
3 That look at that !
4 According to local history , this field at that time would have been the playing fields of Mr Burton 's private school , which eventually became Victoria Park .
5 No , it was a piece I am very fond of and it happened to be in quite a few programmes at that time .
6 I want you to take another look at that new Carefree proposal — the duty-free airport shops .
7 Voluntary early retirement now starts at 53 , but there are few takers at that age .
8 Well , they approached other authorities and other organisations er in order to find the funds , and the other authorities and other organisations refused to cough-up , because there had been a report in 1982 , er as a result of some research at that time .
9 True , it was working in some areas at that time .
10 Gary arranged for the well-known warbird pilot John Crocker to ferry the aircraft across the Atlantic for me , John being one of the few pilots at that time who could be insured to undertake such a flight . ’
11 Say to yourself , " X was at this place at that time , now what can I use that would indicate that he was not ? "
12 See there wee no big shops in this town at that time .
13 Some things at that time were no doubt very good ; but I suspect if we could hear some of them now we simply would not tolerate them .
14 Given that the problem of teenage smoking needed to be tackled with some urgency at that time ( and still does ) , such a course of action was understandable .
15 We spent Chairman , two and a half hours discussing this matter at that point and we had come full circle back to point 1 .
16 I have one other , can I reserve one matter to the end of the meeting because I wish to make a proposal which er would be erm I think ought to be taken erm in closed session because of the nature and confidentiality of the business and personal interests , so perhaps I can propose the closure of the meeting to the press and public at the end of the meeting and defer the final item an item relating to this matter at that time .
17 This dog was also taken into the Armed Forces , thus effectively ruining any chance of the breed making any progress in this country at that time .
18 Yeah , s s surely the , the point is , we 'd have booked another comedian if it had been possible to book another comedian at that time , which it obviously was n't .
19 Burnside water , as it was aptly called , is now the headquarters building rebuilt in the 1920's as a multi storey plate glass building of some note at that time .
20 If I had n't been in that bar at that time , perhaps all this would have happened to somebody else .
21 Cos I was using that issue at that time , but we always make the proviso that if things change , you may have to alter your mind about where your money 's placed .
22 But underneath the veil of whimsy , we are still left with some valuable evidence of the life and traditions of those people in that place at that time .
23 He had a passionate love of music and in another world at another time might have made a fine musician , but there , held in that place at that moment , there were other plans , other duties , other paths .
24 Only those who come from that place at that time can judge .
25 There is a between L 1 and L 3 units of labour total product is rising but at a decreasing rate that therefore implies that a marginal product of labour between those two imput levels is positive but but falling notice that total product curve peaks at L 3 right , so it 's maximum at L 3 units of labour of that curve at that particular point zero , therefore , the marginal product labour is zero .
26 Only by a stupendous act of imagination , only by actually putting myself in his skin in that room at that time can I even begin to attempt any sort of answer which moves by the smallest degree away from the natural responses of disgust and revulsion which all of us instinctively wish to express .
27 Trying to put myself in his skin in that room at that time must not , of course , be taken to mean that the act contemplated and later committed by Miller is something that I myself could think of doing .
28 Supposing I had gone to the country and said that Germany was rearming and we must rearm , does anybody think that this pacific democracy would have rallied to that cry at that moment ?
29 I came to that conclusion at that time
30 Nobody had ever done that job at that age before . ’
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