Example sentences of "[det] [noun] it have " in BNC.

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1 In each case it had in effect been ruled that Gen Robertson 's order of 14 May would apply , and that 5 Corps could continue with arrangements already entered into hand over both Cossacks and Yugoslavs but only in each case , so lob as force did not have to be used .
2 In each case it has been a West Indian pupil rather than an Asian child .
3 At that rent it has to be . ’
4 I felt well bloody marvellous , you now , i it was that imperative it had got ta be done , you ca n't have time o no I 'm sorry you ca n't !
5 The Conservative party has never been the party of law and order , and during this Parliament it has thrown away the last vestiges of any claim to such a title .
6 Write a short essay on reciprocal dumping because define what reciprocal dumping is you 've also got to give at least one example of reciprocal dumping , right , so you do n't have to give any detailed examples just erm E E C waste er food policy in these days reciprocal dumping would be subsidized after exports in order for America to sell its few exports it has to so it is best subsidised definition define what it is give application of concept erm if the concept involves measurement , say how it , how it can be measured say an effective protection trade , er say how it could , how it could be measured
7 The tale is all too familiar , but in this case it has a tragic poignancy : Leopold 's heart was broken by his son 's defection , and the rift between them remained unhealed even at the old man 's death .
8 The GMC 's policy on advertising services to patients is inconsistent , and in this case it has shown a regrettable reluctance to deal with the issue of treatments that are not scientifically validated .
9 Again it is generally definable only through social custom but in this case it has more significance since the breaking of social taboo may have adverse effect on the child .
10 In this case it has been decided to have a marginal shelf running around the pool about 23 cm ( 9 in ) below the surface — hence the stepped design .
11 Since this case it has been made a criminal offence not to wear a seat belt in the front seat of a car .
12 Northside , y'see , are professionals and follow the policy of always having the crap support band — in this case it 's been themselves .
13 Northside , y'see , are professionals and follow the policy of always having the crap support band — in this case it 's been themselves .
14 Within a few minutes it has to return to wet its skin and take a fresh mouthful of water .
15 In some cases it has not been clear from the notes to the accounts whether the directors consider that they have departed from a specific statutory rule and that the true and fair view override is being invoked .
16 In some cases it has been found in the exemption from liability of the released party to be sued by his co-contractors , as where the released party is already bankrupt .
17 In some cases it has led to violent confrontations requiring police intervention .
18 In this study it has been shown by two independent methods that histamine increases the in vitro proliferation of the two gastric tumour cells ; MKN45 and MKN45G but not the two colorectal lines ; C170 and LoVo .
19 On the other hand , a ridden horse with his ears pricked forward is probably concentrating on an object or another horse it has seen , which could result in a shy or other forms of misbehaviour .
20 But when the church breaks through this isolation it has created a potential for growth .
21 In this chapter it has been argued that the uncertainty map can be of great help in managing such a portfolio .
22 In the past few months it has become clear to Her Majesty that her own children have spectacularly failed in their duty to the Crown .
23 In the last few months it has introduced a mortgage rescue package and plans to use empty flats above shops in a further bit to get waiting lists down .
24 For the past few months it 's been more or less constantly at the limit — the £300,000 cheque put it unacceptably over . "
25 Phylloxera is generally considered to be the greatest disaster in French viticultural history , but in some respects it has also been a blessing .
26 In some districts it has been impossible to make it available to everyone .
27 It is timely to consider that , because since the beginning of this Session it has become compulsory for us to comply with European EIS legislation .
28 If it is sensible to ask this question it has an answer — even though we have not the faintest idea what that answer is — we simply label it ‘ God ’ .
29 Of this work it has been said …
30 On the other hand , like any moulded surface of this type it has fat needles , rather than the brush-type filaments of a normal plastic slope .
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