Example sentences of "[det] [adj] [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 A few years ago I saw a couple of Eastenders stars come in erm and Ross whatever his name forget his name there were two young girls standing in front of me scraping pennies out of their purse to get in though we loved that character they wanted to come that night we 've got to get girls like that youngsters like that interested to come on other nights and then come again that 's what needs doing . .
2 There is little further to report on this issue , the Scottish Office have gone quiet .
3 He was as little free to renege on them .
4 After some careful sifting on the basis of ability and experience , Muriel was eventually short-listed with two other applicants .
5 About the same size as our familiar British redshank , in breeding plumage it is almost black all over with some paler spotting on the back .
6 Though before she could get in with a quick plea for an interview , Vendelin Gajdusek revealed that he had not for a moment forgotten the way in which the Dobermann had attached himself to her ankle , by decreeing , ‘ You 'd better come into the house and have some antiseptic put on that wound . ’
7 On Jan. 17 the police also reported that they had uncovered a neo-Nazi organization , three of whose members were arrested and another six questioned on suspicion of plotting the overthrow of the government .
8 Some then leaned on the rope , hauling the boar through the water , while others stayed behind to guide it round rocks and counteract the drag of the current .
9 This all goes on the report in the morning .
10 Of course this all depends on your opinions or your taste , factors which play a large part in religious observance .
11 And having this all come on Monday thinking that everything is we got ta to the church we 're feeling well if we do n't go through now , where do we go ?
12 There 's some great playing on it generally , and some amazing guitar work that has never been heard .
13 A hundred and forty five aircraft missing in action , another seventeen lost on the continent and in Europe .
14 In Maya territory , complexes of canals and raised fields , some first indicated on a large scale by aerial radar surveys ( New Scientist , 12 June , 1980 , p 232 and Science .
15 Scant weeks after I cited Ozawa 's new recording of this work ( thankfully superseding his 1967 recording ) as one of my favourite discs of 1991 , this one reappeared on the market , like a challenge .
16 The proportion has now soared to two-thirds — DHSS figures for 1982 show that only a minority , 713,700 , exist on the £25 a week unemployment benefit alone — 2,612,000 " top up " with supplementary benefit , and another 1,428,500 depend on supplementary benefit alone .
17 More than 300 people were killed and another 430 injured on Jan. 4 when the crowded Zakaria-Bahauddin passenger express hurtled into the rear of a stationary freight train in southern Pakistan .
18 Our pulses were quickened soon enough by a seductive menu and a wine list laid out according to grape and price by someone who has sipped well from major world producers and made some rare finds on the way .
19 But they would only get two you see , and they would go on and that two would have to find another two to go on the following night .
20 Both honours reflect Engineering 's highly-organised approach to safety , both in Coventry , where it employs 330 people full-time and 50–60 on contract , and on Humberside , where another 20 work on project design .
21 It was reported on May 15 that the government had commissioned the UK oil company , the Kuwaiti British Fire Group , to put out 73 fires with an option on another 127 based on results in the Sabriya and Arrawdatayn oilfields .
22 Why do you think it is that erm that the reputation of the flats has been er I suppose gone off and I mean early on back in the early seventies , erm the flats were quite an attractive place to come to , it was n't even that easy to get on the flats .
23 They have much more to say on less apocalyptic matters , such as the treatment of persons who are in the hands of the adversary .
24 Though we shall have much more to say on the issues that allegedly divide quantitative and qualitative methods in later chapters , the kind of choice just alluded to is neither urgent nor necessary .
25 Now he does n't actually make the concession I think it 's consistent of what he says , that he ought to concede that direct democracy might be better at improving the citizens , because after all the citizens have much more to do on in service of the state but his view is that direct democracy has the opposite failure to guardianship , that while it might be better at improving citizens it 's absolutely hopeless in managing the affairs of the state and his reasons for that is that we need experts with experience in order to carry out the affairs of government and although these people ought ultimately to be held responsible to the people , people should n't sit in judgment them in every one of their decisions .
26 In fact , most of her energy went in talk ( on an intellectual level , mind you ) so she had very little left to use on work .
27 But these six descended on them like the Dynamos on a loose ball , flattened them into the floorboards , and trussed them in sash-cord in twenty seconds .
28 These latter worked on route 7 to Uxbridge and a few weeks before that route was to be converted to trolleybus operation , they were each fitted out with plough carriers and the necessary switch gear for conduit operation , so that they could make their own way under power to whichever depôt they were sent .
29 If there are enough of these then agreeing on a candidate may prove difficult , leaving the panel wide open to the danger of selecting the one candidate none of them feels strongly about rather than the best person for the job .
30 That all depends on who the somebody was . ’
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