Example sentences of "[det] [verb] not a " in BNC.

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1 When , towards the end , he said , ‘ I am convinced that where I have failed no one could have succeeded , ’ this appeared not a boast , but an understatement .
2 In studying a period and a phase in which what could be proved at the time to be shadows were so determinedly pursued , is he after all studying not an aberration , not a deviation from the normal , but the common behaviour of mankind ?
3 Indeed , the modern Greeks use that word for an engagement ring , and that gives not a bad idea of the Holy Spirit 's work as ‘ earnest ’ in Paul 's thought .
4 Three years at a nice school in Vienna , not too liberated , but at the same time not a convent school .
5 That provides not an incentive to invest but a disincentive — a penalty .
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