Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [modal v] then " in BNC.

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1 When the Conwy tunnel was built we were told that money would then be available , ’ he said .
2 Each user must then use option 2.2.0 , Assess DC , to register their acceptance or rejection of the DC .
3 Each field may then be edited in the usual manner .
4 Each field may then be edited in the usual manner .
5 All your recipes can be sorted into different categories such as starters , sweets , main etc. , each category can then be split further .
6 A predator company ( the offerer ) can buy up to 15 per cent of a company 's shares without restrictions , but above that level must then wait seven days before being allowed to buy up to another ten per cent .
7 As Massey and Meegan ( 1982 ) have argued , relocation away from intense class struggle is just one option facing employers ; they also contend that consideration of the various options is most likely in periods of recession when profitability is low and some form of restructuring crucial , and that relocation may then be part of a composite strategy involving restructuring of the labour process .
8 Each boat would then be licensed by horsepower for a set number of days at sea based on a three-year track record .
9 Suffering at this level can then take on the character of being a positive good that was wholly unexpected , and previously unacceptable to us .
10 This part can then be positioned within another space by defining its six degrees of freedom for its rigid body motion ( three of translation and three of rotation ) .
11 A random sample of this strata might then be carried out .
12 This chart could then be used as the basis for an essay or a piece of revision and — although the words used might be different — you would , in fact , end up by saying just what I said in that portion of text above .
13 This inspection should then be repeated every ten years so that remedial treatment can be undertaken at an early stage if rotting is detected .
14 The truth of this creed would then become accepted as axiomatic and be regarded as an article of faith , although , to those who closely examine the propositions they may well appear to be self-evidently true .
15 One of the things we 've been doing this year is to actually have a club once a week , a sort of club night , when teachers can come it — this is particularly primary teachers — and use our machinery , look at our programs , go through our library and meet each other , so that the people who have got some expertise can then go back to the school and sort of spread their information and their enthusiasm in their schools .
16 Given such prompts , some informants may then go on for hours with their recollections and reminiscences .
17 It is hoped that this research will then provide guidelines in the way that microcomputers can be introduced within an organisation and the expected implications of the proposed changes .
18 The body of this chapter will then attempt to construct as contrasting ideal-types a ‘ discursive ’ modernist sensibility with a ‘ figural ’ and postmodernist sensibility .
19 This indication can then be compared with a national base of 100 to indicate whether a particular area is better or worse than average for finding buyers or owners of any product which is already specifically measured in existing national market research surveys .
20 Another attempt can then be made to re-enter the module again as described above .
21 We look forward to the designation of Green Belts in the more developed areas of Wales and presume that this guidance will then apply .
22 All of this data can then be correlated in the database with the catch , showing the species , weight , length and the number caught .
23 Some criterion must then be devised for dividing these shares between the potentially more than 2 million investor applications .
24 Once translated , this command can then be acted upon , and the goals and states of the robot and its environment can be updated accordingly .
25 This configuration may then be compiled and linked using a command file or a set of command files that have also been read out as part of the structure .
26 This silhouette can then be inserted into the engineering file , rotated and scaled to give the working view as shown in Figure 6.18 .
27 This vehicle will then remain with the production for the remainder of the shoot .
28 This core can then be supplemented by relying on the open labour market to provide temporary or seasonal workers but also by increasing the share of orders given to subcontractors .
29 This record can then be printed and sent to the suppliers .
30 One of the Laboratories in this wing would then be available for potential molecular research .
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