Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [modal v] only " in BNC.

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1 Is she also aware of the fact that the National Sounds Archive now housed in Exhibition Road in South Kensington , ought really to be next door to the Music Library and it has always been the ambition of the Library to put it there and that furthermore , and here I speak from great knowledge because I negotiated the arrangement , if that site at Exhibition Road for the National Sounds Archive Library is sold , that money can only be used under the term of that agreement to provide similar accommodation elsewhere .
2 Yet even these others ( researchers ) have to be given a direction and that direction can only come from some pre-existing knowledge in the field .
3 Another reason for its failure was that CAFFE could only ever provide a single path through the diagnostic tree ; there was no way to volunteer information and to jump ahead to a later section of the flow chart .
4 It was shown above ( cf. ( 45 ) ) that watch can only evoke a process of voluntarily laying hold of sense data by means of visual perception .
5 That colt will only run if something goes amiss with Magic Ring , and consequently , he is more likely to make his seasonal reappearance in the Sidney Thompson Memorial Stakes at Brighton on Monday .
6 and that renewal should only be refused on those ground excluding ( d ) .
7 For Owen , whose materialist doctrine was rigorously environmental and mechanical , but not dialectical , that agent could only be millennial , a kind of secular second coming after which we should all in a moment , in a twinkling of an eye , be changed .
8 This change can only be a result of conscious policy .
9 Some riders will only buy thoroughbred horses , but I do prefer ones with a little ‘ common ’ blood , as I like a stronger build of horse .
10 Some riders will only buy thoroughbred horses , but I do prefer ones with a little ‘ common ’ blood , as I like a stronger build of horse .
11 This trick will only work if the spacing values for the fonts , the metrics , match exactly which , in Bitstream 's case , they seem to .
12 This liability would only be avoided if careful records of the sources of drugs were kept so as to pass on liability to the manufacturer responsible for any defect .
13 Formulas of this kind can only be the starting point in a process which always demands a sophisticated approach .
14 As things stand , a dilemma of this kind can only be resolved through the use of cumbersome legal machinery which is not appropriate to the situation .
15 It said that further technical measures of this kind will only lead to increases in carbon dioxide emissions .
16 In many cases , following the advice , particularly with regard to sleep , will initially be against the ‘ natural ’ dictates of the body clock , but , as we have explained , obeying the body clock in this case will only prolong the difficulties in living with the new time zone .
17 This level can only be attained by about 5–10 per cent of the population .
18 This technique can only be applied in bold , relatively thick outlines , and is therefore only used on items which employ reasonably simple designs .
19 This resistance can only be overcome as you gently persuade and cajole subordinates to expand their horizons .
20 Some firms are acting as though this measure will only apply to their companies . ’
21 This decision can only be based on the spacing between the sites chosen rather than the importance of the sites themselves , ignoring even the cross-routes .
22 Maybe I was worried that someone else would read my diary , but if so this worry could only have been a slight one : I was much too careful to afford anyone the opportunity to snoop .
23 If during repairs , further underlying damage is found , this damage may only be accepted as coming within the cover of the policy if it is directly related to the incident giving rise to the claim .
24 The positive inclination [ of the Greeks ] towards this discordance can only mean [ that they found ] a higher pleasure in it — especially as [ the period in question was ] the period of [ their ] youth and vigour .
25 This diligence can only be exercised once the curt papers have been served on the debtor .
26 This theft can only be bad news for the preservation movement .
27 This term should only be applied to patients who fulfil the following conditions : ( i ) have a normal jejunal biopsy while taking a normal diet ; ( ii ) at some other time , before or since , have had a flat jejunal biopsy which recovers on a gluten free diet .
28 At first , this effect may only last for half an hour but , as you have more lessons , these feelings of lightness , balance and general ease within your body will extend for longer and longer periods .
29 This effect can only arise if the nonword " are being transformed into a phonological code before lexical access is attempted .
30 In general this rule should only be used as a last resort in legal proceedings over a contract where the parties have failed to make an express provision as to the status of implied terms .
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